Opinions and recommendations


Recommendation to the Joint Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia for the introduction of gender-differentiated names of the Serbian Army’s ranks and the creation of conditions for the use of gender-differentiated language in official communication

1 November 2011, ref. no. 1279/2011   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws and other regulations, initiate the adoption or amendment of regulations in order to implement and promote protection against discrimination, and give opinions on the provisions of draft laws and other regulations concerning the prohibition…

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Recommendation to the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the adoption of the National Strategy for Combating Discrimination

5 October 2011, ref. no. 1089/2011   Acting within the framework of the legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of the laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to the public authorities measures to achieve equality (Art. 33, items 7 and 9 of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination (“Official Gazette of…

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Recommendation to the National Bank of Serbia for the elimination of discriminatory conditions for the use of banking services

23 August 2011, ref. no. 966/2011   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws and other regulations concerning the prohibition of discrimination, and recommend to the public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality (Art. 33, items 7 and 9 of the Law on the Prohibition of…

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Recommendation to the City Assembly and the Secretariat for Social Protection of the City of Belgrade for the removal of discriminatory provisions from acts regulating parking in public parking lots for persons with disabilities

2 August 2011, ref. no. 936   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies to receive and consider complaints for violation of the provisions of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, give opinions and recommendations and impose statutory measures (Art. 33, para. 1, item 1 of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination…

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Recommendation to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia, the NEC and the Institute for the Promotion of the Quality of Education for the elimination of discriminatory content from teaching materials and practice and promoting tolerance and human rights

9 June 2011, ref. no. 649/2011   Acting within the framework of the legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of the laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to the public authorities and other persons measures achieve equality (Art. 33, items 7 and 9 of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, Official…

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Recommendation to the Government of the Republic of Serbia for amending the Methodology for drafting by-laws

20 April 2011, ref. no. 477/2011   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws and other regulations concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to the public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality (Art. 33, items 7 and 9 of the Anti-Discrimination Law), acting upon the…

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Recommendation to the Assembly of the City of Jagodina for the elimination of discriminatory conditions for exercising the right to financial assistance

11 April 2011, ref. no. 431/2011   Acting within the framework of the legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to the public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality (Art. 33, items 7 and 9 of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, “Official…

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Recommendation to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia for ensuring the participation of women in international delegations

26 January 2011, ref. no. 28/2011   Acting within the framework of the legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to the public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality (Art. 33, items 7 and 9 of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, “Official…

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Recommendation to the National Employment Service for taking measures to prevent gender-based discrimination when advertising jobs and to encourage the employment of the less represented gender

14 July 2010, ref. no. I-RP-1-13 / 10   NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 11000 Beograd For Director V.I. Respected, We are addressing you in regards to the complaint of the citizen of Novi Sad, in which she emphasizes that she graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and that she is a mechanical engineer, and that…

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