Opinions and recommendations


Complaint filed by OCS against president of Kanjiža Municipality for multiplied discrimination in area of performing of public authorities

This opinion was issued in the procedure acting upon the complaint filed by organizations “R.” and C.z.z.i p.t.a. against M.B., mayor of Kanjiža municipality regarding the statement he made on 12 August 2015 on the premises of Kanjiža municipality building in respect of refugees staying on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and Kanjiža…

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Recommendation of measures to the Belgrade City Secretariat for Transport, Public Transport Office

20. Oct 2015, No 021-01-265/2015-02   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and to recommend measures to achieve equality to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality addresses to the Belgrade City Administration, Secretariat for Transport,…

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No. 07-00-214/2015-02

No. 07-00-214/2015-02  Date: 20 October, 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from Lj.A. against the City Municipality of Lazarevac. The complaint states that her son is a person with disabilities and that she uses a wheelchair, and that Lazarevac does not provide transportation accessible to people with disabilities. The declaration…

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No. 07-00-310/2015-02

No. 07-00-310/2015-02  Date: 19 October, 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from М.N. against the Belgrade City Assembly and the City Administration for funeral services due to discrimination based on disability. The complaint states that M. N whose leg was amputated, went to the cemetery to visit his mother’s grave,…

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No. 07-00-359/2015-02

No. 07-00-359/2015-02  Date: 19 October, 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from I.D. from B due to the decision of the selection board of the pre-school institution “Dr. S. M.” from Belgrade and the second instance decision of the Secretariat for Education and Children`s Welfare of the Sector for Inspection…

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Recommendation to the Public Communal Company “Funeral Services”

5. Oct 2015, No 07-00-310/2015-02   PUBLIC COMMUNAL COMPANY “FUNERAL SERVICES” B, Director 11000 BEOGRAD Ruzveltova 50 Dear Mr. B, The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality received a complaint stating that the security personnel did not allow the complainant, who is a disabled person, to enter the New Cemetery with his own car on…

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No. 07-00-299/2015-02

No. 07-00-299/2015-02 Date: 30 September, 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from D.P.P. against the Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration, Palilula Branch. The complainant was on maternity leave, and in May 2014 the employer paid her out delayed amount of 133,423.22 dinars for salary compensation, due to which the Tax…

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Letter to the President of the National Assembly

29. Sep 2015,         021-02-256/2015-02   NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Maja Gojković, President 11000 BELGRADE Trg Nikole Pašića 13 Dear Ms. Gojković, Thank you for informing us on the activities and measures that you have undertaken, that is, the activities that you are planning to undertake to act on the recommendation of the…

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Recommendation to the National Assembly

18. Sep 2015,          Number: 021-02-256/2015-02   NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA   Maja Gojković, President 11000 BELGRADE Trg Nikole Pašića 13         Dear Ms. Gojković,   In accordance with my legally prescribed competencies to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and to recommend measures to achieve…

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No. 07-00-275/2015-02

No. 07-00-275/2015-02  Date: 11 September, 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from Lj. R. from B, against RTB B. d.o.o. from Bor. The complaint states that the provisions of Article 92 of the RTB Bor Collective Agreement stipulate that the employer is obliged to reward employees who have worked with…

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