Opinions and recommendations


No. 262-21

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint that AA and BB from … submitted against the Eating outlet…, due to discrimination based on gender and appearance. The complaint states, among other things, that the Eating outlet… advertises its product in public space and through social networks in a way that belittles,…

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No. 229-21

  no. 07-00-223 / 2021-02 date: 4.8.2021.     OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of A.A. filed against the Republic Health Insurance Fund (RHIF), the Commission, on the grounds of health condition. The complainant stated, inter alia, that as a severe systemic patient since February 2012, she has…

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No. 1123-20

no. 07-00-573/2020-02 date: 19.7. 2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA against the employer BB, due to discrimination based on gender and health condition. The complaint states that she has been employed by the employer since June 2020, that her salary under the employment contract…

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No. 99-21

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings concerning the complaint of AA against the Republic Geodetic Authority (hereinafter: the Authority) due to discrimination based on an assumed personal characteristic – nationality. In the complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that he is the holder of property rights on cadastral plots no. 1990/2 and…

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No. 581-21

No.  021-01-345/2021-02     date: 19. 7. 2021.   Acting within the statutory competence[1] to monitor the implementation of the laws on the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures for achieving equality to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality refers to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development the…

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No. 236-21

no. 07-00-222 / 2019-02 date: 18.6.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA against the airline companies Swiss International Air Lines LTD, Austrian Airlines AG and Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, all three members of the “Lufthansa Group”, due to victimization. In the complaint, the applicant stated, inter…

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No. 974-20

no. 07-00-418/2020-02 date: 12.4.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA from Vršac against the Health Center in Vršac – Occupational Medicine Service, due to discrimination based on health condition. In the complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that she needed a medical certificate for…

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No. 1091-20

no. 07-00-535/2020-02 date: 22. 4. 2020.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding eight complaints of natural persons against the Foundation A.A., due to discrimination on the grounds of nationality. The complaints state that the Foundation A.A. spreads fear among members of the Roma community and that post on the official…

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No. 110-21

no. 07-00-120 / 2021-02 date: 22.6.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of A.A. from K., against B.B., due to discrimination on the basis of national affiliation – Serbian national affiliation. The complainant stated that at the session of the Management Board of the Newspaper-Publishing Institution “N. Lj.”…

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No. 321-20

OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by the professor of the AA faculty of the University of BB, Dr. VV, on her behalf, and on the behalf and with the consent of the professor of the AA faculty of the University of BB, Dr. GG, against the Ministry of…

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