Commissioner’s Opinions and Recomendations in the Complaints Procedure


No. 186-22

OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of A. A. from … against company B. B, due to discrimination of fathers based on gender. In the complaint, it was stated that on the packaging of the products of the company B. B. there is an inscription “Serbia – info center for moms: 08000-10-20-10”. It…

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No. 438-22

No. 07-00-273/2022-02 date: 26. 9. 2022.   OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of A. A. from Belgrade against Dr. B. B, a specialist in otorhinolaryngology, due to discrimination based on health status. The complaint stated that A. A. submitted a complaint against Dr. B. B to the protector of patients’ rights. It…

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No. 387-22

no. 07-00-00229/2022-02 date: 14.9.2022 .   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against BB, due to age discrimination. In the complaint, it was stated that at a job competition the complainant applied for the post of Epizootiology teacher, Animal diseases teacher, and professional practice teacher, in BB…

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No. 166-168-22

no. 07-00-183/2022-02 date: 12. 9. 2022.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaints of the non-governmental organization …, on behalf of and with the consent of A. A. and B. B, against SC V. which operates within the sports company G, due to discrimination based on Roma nationality. In…

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No. 177-22

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the National Council of the Bosniak National Minority against the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the complaint and supplement to the complaint, it was stated that the information system for data entry used in the police administrations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs…

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No. 1052-21

no. 07-00-00735/2021-02 date: 12.8.2022. OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings upon the complaint of the AA women’s national team, whose legal representative is BB, the president of the club, with the written consent of the players of the women’s national team and their legal representatives, against the VV institution, whose legal representative is…

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No. 136-22

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by the AA against the Center for Social Work of the City of Novi Sad due to discrimination based on language. In the complaint, it was stated that AA is a citizen of the United States of America, with a temporary residence in…

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No. 781-22

OPINION   The opinion was issued in connection with the complaint of AA against BB, the owner of club “MB” in Smederevska Palanka, due to discrimination on the basis of belonging to the Roma national minority. On this occasion, the National Council of the Roma National Minority also addressed the Commissioner. In the complaint and…

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No. 583-21

OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of AA against the company B. B. and director V. V, as the responsible person, due to discrimination based on gender. The complaint stated that A. A. had a fixed-term employment contract with the company and that the company director refused to extend her employment contract after…

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No. 158-22

OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of A. A. against the company B. B, due to discrimination based on conviction. In the complaint, it was stated that the complainant was asked in the electronic correspondence regarding the conclusion of the work and employment contract to submit, among other documents, a certificate from the…

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