Commissioner’s Opinions and Recomendations in the Complaints Procedure



No.07-00-255/2015-02  Date: 12 August 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued regarding the complaint lodged by the Roma association “D.” of J. on behalf of a minor girl T.R. with the consent of her mother D.R. against K.B, employed with the Primary School “G.D.” in J. for discrimination on the grounds of nationality. The complaint…

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No.07-00-168/2015-02  Date: 10 August 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by S.P. on behalf and with the consent of J.P. against the City Administration for Social Activities of the City of Čačak. The complaint claimed that S. and J P. tried to exercise their right to parental allowance,…

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No.07-00-151/2015-02  Date: 10 August 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by M.Đ, on behalf and with the consent of his wife A.Đ, against the Administration for Child, Social and Primary Health Care of the City of Niš. The complaint stated that A.Đ. was not granted the…

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No.07-00-231/2015-02  Date: 3 August 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by M.B. of L. against the Bus Station “L.” L. The complainant stated that she is a person with disability using a wheelchair and that she cannot buy the platform ticket at the Bus Station “L.” because…

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No.07-00-232/2015-02  Date: 3 August 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by J.M. of B. against the company S.M. Ltd. of N.S, a part of the company being T.S. stores. In the course of the procedure it was established that on 6 December 2014 J.M. submitted a request with…

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No.07-00-208/2015-02  Date: 31 July 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by D.B. of B. against the Primary Health Care Centre “M. – M.P.” of I. in connection with the Rulebook on Professional Development and Specialist Training of Employees of the Primary Health Care Centre “M. – M.P.”…

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No.07-00-193/2015-02  Date: 31 July 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by the LCFHR, on behalf and with the consent of O.P, against the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia for discrimination on the grounds of gender and age in the area of labour. The complaint claimed that…

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No.07-00-191/2015-02  Date: 31 July 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by the LCFHR, on behalf and with the consent of J.D. against the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia for discrimination on the grounds of gender and age in the area of labour. The complaint claimed that…

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No.07-00-159/2015-02  Date: 31 July 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by the LCFHR, on behalf and with the consent of LJ.M, against the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia for discrimination on the grounds of gender and age in the area of labour. The complaint claimed…

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No.07-00-192/2015-02  Date: 31 July 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by the LCFHR, on behalf and with the consent of M.H, against the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia for discrimination on the grounds of gender and age in the area of labour. The complaint claimed…

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