
Second Youth Panel Workshop on Avala

Commissioner for Protection of Equality and UNICEF Serbia organized the second workshop „Discrimination Busters“ in the student resort Radojka Lakic on Avala, from 19-21 November 2018. Girls and boys from Youth Panel had the opportunity to expand their knowledge in area of protection of discrimination and also to gain new skills in the sphere of…

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Commissioner in the Human Rights School

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic gave lecture to students of Human Rights School and presented the role and competences of the institution of Commissioner for Protection of Equality. She spoke about legal framework for prohibition of discrimination, its most frequent types and cases, proceeding before Commissioner, ways of submitting complaints and court protection…

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“Strength and success don’t come from the introverted knowledge, but from selfless sharing with others”, stated Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the conference in Novi Sad, held within the project “Women in Business, Media and Culture”. Addressing the female students from various faculties, who decided to follow path of women who already…

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Commissioner: ”Children are decoration of equality”

On the occasion of 20 November, International Children’s Day, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic congratulates all children and states that we all have the obligation to work on elimination of all obstacles for their full inclusion and achievement of their right to education. “It is necessary that children and young people in…

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Commissioner participated in mentor walk within “Share Your Knowledge” program

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic stressed that support to growing of successful women and strengthening of their position and economy independence is necessary in a society which tends to become European and that mechanism of mentoring support gives excellent results with small investments. Welcoming the realization of program “Share Your Knowledge –…

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Annual Conference of Commissioner for the Protection of Equality

On the occasion of 16 November, International Day of Tolerance, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in cooperation with OSCE Mission in Serbia and UK Government’s Good Governance Fund organized annual conference titled “Serbia without Discrimination”. Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic stressed at the conference opening that the equality is a value…

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Commissioner attending Conference on Human Rights of Older Persons in Vienna

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic participates in the international expert conference on human rights of older persons, dedicated to new challenges and opportunities due to technological development, which is held in Vienna 12-13 November. Main conference topics are questions and solutions related to “Robotics & Automation – Implications for Human Rights” and…

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Commissioner at the EQUINET Annual Assembly in Brussels

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic participated at the 11th regular Annual Assembly of European Network of Equality Bodies (EQUINET). Commissioner said that the Republic of Serbia has reached European standards in protecting citizens against discrimination, but that it faces similar challenges as other developed European countries. Jankovic stressed that the equality in…

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Commissioner at AFA Women Leadership Summit

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic spoke at the second AFA Women Leadership Summit, which started with round table dedicated to women economy empowerment through innovations and technology. Commissioner Jankovic emphasized that girls in Serbia make 56% of total graduated students. They make 26% in IT sector and 37% of graduate engineers. Nevertheless,…

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Commissioner about protection of human rights at the international conference “From Unlawfulness to Legality”

By performing the activities within its competences, but also with a proactive approach, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality intends to fully protect and affirm the principles of equality, equal opportunities and tolerance, using all its powers drawn from the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, stressed Commissioner Brankica Jankovic at the conference on the…

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