The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, warns that the initiative to ban abortion is worrying and dangerous, especially having in mind that this action was moved from internet portals and social networks to a public debate. Such activities are in direct conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, because, according to Article 63, everyone has the right to freely decide on the birth of children, while the Family Law stipulates, in Article 5, that a woman freely decides on giving birth.

The right to abortion is a civilizational achievement, and reproductive rights and freedoms belong to the corpus of human rights that must not be questioned, because abortion is legal and permissible in the Republic of Serbia. It should be especially emphasized that bodily autonomy means that a woman makes her own choice about her body, considering that Article 23 of the Constitution guarantees the inviolability of physical integrity.

Such actions are harmful, lead to pointless controversies and confuse and even intimidate women. The focus and attention of the whole society should be the education of women and men, among other things, about contraception and abortion, which should not be used as a contraceptive, primarily for health reasons. It is extremely important to work on raising awareness and knowledge about reproductive and sexual health of both women and men, especially children and youth, the Commissioner concludes.

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