

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, welcomes the nomination of Ana Brnabić as Prime Minister designate tasked with forming the new Government of the Republic of Serbia, as announced by the President of Republic of Serbia.   „For the first time in history, Serbia will have a woman as prime minister, which is…

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On the occasion of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15 June, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, said that age must not be an obstacle for a dignified and safe life. Still, we are witnessing that violence against the elderly is present in our society, although it remains hidden within a family and…

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Commissioner Janković at regional conference in Bar “Discrimination in work and employment”

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated at regional conference “Discrimination in work and employment” in Bar, at invitation by Šućko Baković, Ombudsman for Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro. President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanović, spoke at the opening of the conference, expressing his confidence that the goals of the conference would be…

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LGBT zastava
Statement on the occasion of International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia

On the occasion of 17 May, International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, reiterated that discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity is both unpermitted and prohibited by the law. Transsexual and transgender persons belong to a particularly vulnerable group which is, in some…

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Meeting of Prime Minister and Commissioner

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić met with Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković. Prime Minister and Commissioner discussed the activities for achievement of full equality for all our citizens, primarily aimed to improve equal conditions and opportunities for all in the process of employment and at the labor market, with particular attention to…

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Announcement regarding the World Press Freedom Day

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, congratulates the World Press Freedom Day to all journalists in Serbia, stating that premise of every ordered and tolerant society is free, responsible and professional informing. Freedoms of speech and information are the basic values of every democratic society and that is why competent state authorities have…

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Announcement on the occasion of International Labor Day

Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, congratulates International Labor Day, May 1, stressing that we have to work further on improvement of workers position, having in mind that, through years, discrimination happened mostly in this area, according to Commissioner’s reports. Equal opportunities for all, the exercise of the right to work and improve…

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Announcement regarding Commissioner receiving the award for contribution to solidarity between generations

On the occasion of European Day of Solidarity between Generations, Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, was handled the award by Belgrade Gerontology Center seniors for contribution to improvement of older persons living conditions. Sculpture „Tree of cooperation between generations“ was made within creative workshop during the 4th OK Festival, presenting the symbol…

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Announcement on the occasion of International Roma Day

Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, congratulated all Roma men and women their holiday, International Roma Day, noting that it presents the opportunity to once again draw attention to problems that members of Roma population encounter in their everyday life. Although there are certain improvements, Roma national minority is still one of the…

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Announcement regarding 2016 Regular Annual Report submission

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, submitted the 2016 Regular Annual Report to the National Assembly of Serbia. The largest number of complaints pertains to discrimination on the grounds of disability and gender, making one quarter of total number of claims received. These are followed by complaints related to discrimination on the…

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