Opinions and recommendations


No. 243-23

no. 07-00-175/2023-02 date: 31.3.2023.   NEW BELGRADE CITY MUNICIPALITY Bojan Bovan, president of the city municipality   11000 New Belgrade Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 167      Dear Mr. Bovan,   The Initiative for Economic and Social Rights – A11 appealed to the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality with a request to act urgently regarding…

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No. 86-23

No. 021-01-298/2023-02 date: March 17, 2023.     Acting within the jurisdiction prescribed by law[1] to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and submit recommendations for measures to public authorities and other persons for the realization of equality and protection against discrimination, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality submits to…

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No. 780-22

no. 07-00-564/2022-02 date: March 12, 2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of AA against Preschool Institution BB due to discrimination based on sex and gender. The complaint stated that the complainant is an educator by profession and participates in every competition announced by PI BB for hiring a certain number of…

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No. 948-22

no. 07-00- 584 /202 2 -02 date: March 8, 2023.     OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of the organization AA filed against BB, due to discrimination based on national affiliation or ethnic origin. The complaint stated that the portal VV published on its Facebook page the news “Roma…

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No. 939-22

no. 07-00-576/2022-02 date: 6.3.2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the organization AA, filed due to discrimination based on disability against the Municipality of BB and the Institution for the provision of social protection services. In the complaint, it was stated, among other things, that the Municipal Council…

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No. 186-23

no. 021-01-449/2023-02 date: 3/3/2023.   MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Minister Goran Vesić   11000 BELGRADE Nemanjina 22-26   Subject: Initiative to amend the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction     Dear Mr. Vesić, The representatives of the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia addressed the…

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No. 767-22

no. 07-00-00545/2022-02 date: 24.2.2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against BB due to discrimination against persons with disabilities. The complaint states that persons with disabilities cannot use the services of the dental and gynecological services because these services are located on the first floor,…

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No. 763-22

no. 07-00-544/2022-02 date: 21 February 2023.   OPINION This opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of Dr. A. A, filed by proxy, against Association “B” from B due to discrimination on the basis of political conviction. In the complaint and supplement to the complaint, it was stated, among other things, that on…

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No. 72-23

no. 021-01-271/2023-02 date: January 31, 2023. Acting within the statutory competence[1]  to monitor the implementation of the laws on the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures for achieving equality and protection against discrimination to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality refers to the Broadcasting Company “A. A.” doo…

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No. 02-23

no. 011-00-1/2023-02 date: January 6, 2023     MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT, AND INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Vesić, Minister   11000 BELGRADE Nemanjina 22-26     Subject: Initiative to amend Article 135, Paragraph 8 of the Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of the RS”, nos. 72/2009, 81/2009 – corrected, 64/2010 – decision of the CC,…

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