Opinions and recommendations


Complaint filed by S. Č. against the Clinic for Physical Therapy S. for discrimination on grounds of health condition in area of providing of health services

No. 07-00-218/2016-02 Date: 7/7/2016 OPINION   The Opinion has been issued in the proceeding acting upon the complaint filed by Charity Foundation S. Č. from B., against the Clinic for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation “S. M. A.” from B. During the proceeding, it was determined that the volunteer discrimination examiner called the Clinic for Physical…

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Complaint filed by A.Ž.J. against Municipal Assembly of Senta for discrimination on grounds of gender in proceeding of public authority

OPINION     The Opinion has been issued in the proceedings upon the complaint filed by Aniko Žiroš Jankelić from Senta against Municipal Assembly of Senta. The complaint states that the Municipal Assembly of Senta has elected the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and members of the Municipal Council, as well as that the composition of the…

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Complaint filed by R.C.Ž.B. against daily newspaper K. for discrimination on grounds of nationality in area of public information

No. 07-00-337/2016-02   Date: 19/10/2016   OPINION   The Opinion has been issued in the proceeding acting upon the complaint filed by R. Ž. C. B. from B. against the daily newspaper K., regarding discrimination on grounds of nationality and  health condition in a text published on 17 June 2016 in the electronic edition of this…

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Recommendation of measures to elementary school “Sutjeska” in Zemun, the Ministry of Education and the Belgrade City Administration to undertake measures to solve the problem of segregation

07. Nov 2016, 021-01-210/2016-02   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies [1] to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and to recommend measures to achieve equality to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality addresses to the elementary school “Sutjeska” in Zemun, the…

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Recommendations of measures to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for harmonization of the content of the Call for applications for scholarships with anti-discrimination regulations

07. Nov 2016, 021-02-209/2016-02   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies [1] to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and to recommend measures to achieve equality to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality addresses to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological…

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Recommendation to the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs on measures for achieving full equality of persons with disabilities

07. Nov 2016, 021-02-34/2016-02   MINISTRY OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT, VETERANS’ AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS -Alexander Vulin, Minister- 11000 BEOGRAD Nemanjina 22-26 Dear Mr. Vulin, The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality was addressed by the Association of Serbian Banks p.u. by letter 0204 no. 125 / 3-2016 of March 15, 2016 and an electronic letter dated…

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Complaint of R.I.C. against daily newspaper S. for hate speech in area of public information

No. 07-00-270/2016-02   Date: 1 September 2016                                                                       OPINION The opinion was issued in proceeding acting upon the complaint of organization R.I.C. from B.  because of columns signed by  B.DJ. “Honey, do not be a fag” and “Honey, do not be a fag 2 ‘, that daily newspapers ” S.” published on 21 and 28…

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Complaint of R.I.C. against daily newspaper S. for discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation in area of public information

No. 07-00-270/2016-02    Date: August 29, 2016 OPINION   This opinion has been issued in the procedure acting upon the complaints filed by organizations R.I.C. from B. and G., regarding front pages of the daily newspaper „S“ published on 16th and 18th April, 2016, namely: „Gays spreading aids all over Serbia“ and „P for S: gays…

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Complaint filed by E. Against CC Kruševac for discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation in area of providing services

No. 07-00-288/2016-02   Date: August 25, 2016 OPINION   The opinion has been issued in the procedure acting upon the complaint of the Association of Citizens E, filed against the Cultural Center of Kruševac, for discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The complaint states that the Association of Citizens E has organized many…

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Complaint filed by Foundation S. against General Hospital E. for discrimination on grounds of health condition in area of providing services

No. 07-00-217/2016-02    Date: August 10, 2016   OPINION This opinion has been issued in the proceeding acting upon a complaint filed by the Charitable Foundation S, against General Hospital E. from B. In the course of the procedure, it has been found out that on March 14, 2016, a voluntary discrimination investigator called up a…

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