Opinions and recommendations


Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by R.A. from Z. who is a guardian to R.S., a minor, against City Administration of Zaječar.

No. 07-00-156/2017-02    Date: 5 September 2017     OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by R.A. from Z. who is a guardian to R.S., a minor, against City Administration of Zaječar. In its complaint, the complainant stated that the City Administration of Zaječar had not effectuated…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by a non-governmental organization P.B., against “Srbija voz” shareholders company Beograd.

No. 07-00-211/2017-02  Date: 7 September 2017     OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by a non-governmental organization P.B., against “Srbija voz” shareholders company Beograd. In its complaint, the complainant stated that a ticket inspector at the Main Railway Station in Belgrade had refused to…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by B.J. from Č., with consent of D.V., against Social Welfare Center of the City of Č.

No. 07-00-178/2017-02  Date: 5 September 2017       OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by B.J. from Č., with consent of D.V., against Social Welfare Center of the City of Č. In the course of the complaint procedure it has been ascertained that by…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by C.S.Ž.O.I. from B. against a bank . . . (branch office No. . . . . in N.B.) on account of discrimination on the grounds of disability as a personal characteristic.

No. 07-00-233/2017-02  Date: 22 September 2017                                                 OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by C.S.Ž.O.I. from B. against a bank . . . (branch office No. . . . . in N.B.) on account of discrimination on the grounds of disability as a personal characteristic….

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No 021-01-00266/2017-02   Date: 21 9 2017 Acting within the framework of their prescribed competence[1] to monitor the enforcement of laws regulating the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures for achievement of equality to public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for Protection of Equality addresses (the Recommendation has been addressed  to all municipal/city administrations) the…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by U.D.K. on behalf of members of this association as well as on behalf of U.M.S., U.P.K. and D.C.P., against the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Police Administration Kraljevo – Administrative Affairs Department, on account of discrimination of persons with disabilities.

No. 07-00-192/2017-02  Date: 25 July  2017 OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure on account of a complaint lodged by U.D.K. on behalf of members of this association as well as on behalf of U.M.S., U.P.K. and D.C.P., against the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Police Administration Kraljevo…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by L.J., a lawyer from V., hired by G.V. and R.T. – legal representatives of L.T. who is a minor, against ’’Ž.Z.’’ primary school in M.

No. 07-00-166/2017-02   Date: 4 September 2017 OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by L.J., a lawyer from V., hired by G.V. and R.T. – legal representatives of L.T. who is a minor, against ’’Ž.Z.’’ primary school in M. In its complaint, the complainant stated that…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by J.S. against A.M., a notary public from S. on account of discrimination on the grounds of disability as a personal characteristic.

No. 07-00-00128/2017-02  Date: 18 August 2017   OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by J.S. against A.M., a notary public from S. on account of discrimination on the grounds of disability as a personal characteristic. In her complaint the complainant stated that, as a legal…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by the Roma National Minority National Council on behalf of Z.S. against City Social Welfare Center, Novi Beograd Branch Office.

No. 07-00-165/2017-02   Date: 24 August 2017   OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged by the Roma National Minority National Council on behalf of Z.S. against City Social Welfare Center, Novi Beograd Branch Office, on account of issuing a Temporary Conclusion on securing accommodation for underage B.S. In their complaint,…

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Complaint filed by N.G. against “Garbage Collection and Public Spaces Maintenance” Public Utility Company from Novi Pazar on account of discrimination on the grounds of religious belief

No. 07-00-129/2017-02    Date: 7 July 2017 OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged by N.G. against “Garbage Collection and Public Spaces Maintenance” Public Utility Company from Novi Pazar. In her complaint the complainant claims that “Garbage Collection and Public Spaces Maintenance” Public Utility Company had not allowed the installation of…

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