No. 1201-18



The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of organization “AA” filed against BB, regarding the statements he made in the show “Interview” of the media production “Balkan info” on November 3, 2018. In the complaint, among other things, it was specified that BB, in a conversation with the anchor, regarding a question related to the “white plague” and the education system in the Republic of Serbia, expressed views that represent hate speech and harassment, as well as humiliating treatment of members of the LGBT population. BB was sent a request for a statement on the allegations of the complaint, however, although he was informed about the dispatch, he did not accept it. In the course of the proceedings, it was established that BB, during a guest appearance on the show “Interview” of the independent media production “Balkan info” on November 3, 2018, stated the following: “Now there are terrible things, I have a father and a father and a mother and a mother, these disasters to enter our schools, to poison our children” and “Excuse me, I was raised in a patriarchal manner. I don’t know if it can be returned to normal… What blasted European values!? If European values ​​are fags”. With such statements, BB sent a message to viewers that it is “terrible” and a “disaster” that same-sex parents exist and that information about same-sex parenting should not become an integral part of the education system in Serbia because, in that way children would be “poisoned”. Also, he called members of the LGBT population “fags”, which is an insulting designation, and pointed out that a sexual orientation other than heterosexual is contrary to the values ​​that should be advocated. In this way, BB harassed and humiliated members of the LGBT population and created a hostile, humiliating, and offensive environment. However, during the interview, BB went a step further in harassing and humiliating members of the LGBT population. Namely, when asked by the anchor if he had seen the picture books (about same-sex families), he answered: “I did, and when I saw them, I was shocked… Well, they should be shot, literally shot, those masters who are ass-screwing all around Europe, excuse me for being rude and vulgar, but to shoot them…”. In this way, by mentioning the word “shooting” on several occasions, emphasizing it with the word “literally,” BB incited hatred towards members of the LGBT population and called for their lynching. Therefore, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued the opinion that BB, with the statements made in the show “Interview” of the independent media production “Balkan info” on November 3, 2018, violated the provisions of Articles 11 and 12 of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, and was thus recommended to issue a public apology to members of the LGBT population within 15 days from the date of receipt of this opinion with recommendation, as well as to take care in the future not to violate regulations prohibiting discrimination when making statements in the media.


Brankica Janković

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