Opinions and recommendations


No. 1040-23

no. 07-00-398/2023-02 date: 28.12.2023.                                          OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by several associations dealing with the protection of human rights (from now on: the complainants) against a social protection institution that provides temporary accommodation services for adults (from now on: the Institution), due to discrimination based on the…

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No. 1273-23

no. 11-00-632/2023-02 date: 27.12.2023.   “SREBO MEDICAL” HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION Nebojša Marković, Director 16000 LESKOVAC Norvežanska 16   Subject: Recommendation of measures for achieving equality and protection against discrimination   Dear Mr. Marković,   The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality was addressed by Tijana Prizrenac Nedeljković regarding the situation in which she found herself after…

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No. 1139-23

no. 07-00-488/2023-02 date: 22 December 2023.     OPINION   This opinion was issued regarding the complaint of the association … against A.A. from Š, due to discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The complaint stated that A.A. published a video on social networks in which he commented on the text from the…

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No. 1279-23

An initiative to equalize the children of employees in social protection with the children of employees in state bodies and other public services in terms of providing New Year’s gifts Acting on the complaint of the New Union of Social Protection of Serbia, in which they stated that the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and…

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No. 1104-23

no. 07-00-456/2023-02 date: 7.12.2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint submitted by AA against the Elementary School “V. K.”, D., due to discrimination based on nationality. In the complaint, it was stated that on the social network Facebook, they saw a post by a parent who indicated that…

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No. 1096-23

no. 07-00-449/2023-02 date: 29.11.2023.     OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against the Academy of Vocational Studies and the President BB due to discrimination based on membership in political organizations. The complaint stated, among other things, that since 2018, AA has been employed at the Academy…

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No. 1039-23

no. 07-00-397/2023-02 date: November 10, 2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the lawyer …, on behalf and with the consent of AA and BB, against PPI (Public Preschool Institution) … due to discrimination against the minor V.V. based on health condition and disability. The complaint stated,…

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No. 353-23

no. 07-00-280/2023-02 date: 8.11.2023.   OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by the Association of Citizens “AA” against the Independent Daily Newspaper “BB”, namely the editor-in-chief VV and GG, the responsible editor of this media. In the complaint and supplement to the complaint, among other things, it was stated…

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No. 987-23

no. 07-00-347/2023-02 date: September 20, 2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding A. A.’s complaint against the Preschool Institution due to discrimination on the basis of marital status. The complaint stated that A. A. was divorced and that after the divorce the exercise of parental rights over the joint children was…

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No. 813-23

no. 07-00-325/2023-02 date: 27.10.2023.                                          OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against the Clinical Hospital Center (from now on: CHC) due to discrimination based on disability. The complaint stated, among other things, that the complainant has been on dialysis since she was 11 years old, that in…

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