National Affiliation

No. 177-22

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the National Council of the Bosniak National Minority against the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the complaint and supplement to the complaint, it was stated that the information system for data entry used in the police administrations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs…

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No. 781-22

OPINION   The opinion was issued in connection with the complaint of AA against BB, the owner of club “MB” in Smederevska Palanka, due to discrimination on the basis of belonging to the Roma national minority. On this occasion, the National Council of the Roma National Minority also addressed the Commissioner. In the complaint and…

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No. 66-22

No. 07-00-72/2022-02 date: 14.6.2022.       OPINION     The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaints of AA and Association BB, filed against the daily newspaper GG, and DD, the author of the article “Paradise in Vuk Vrčević street”, as well as the complaint of the association VV, filed against the…

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No. 35-22

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaints filed by AA, a lawyer from … on behalf of BB against the Tourist Organization … (hereinafter: TO …), the acting director VV and the president of the competition commission GG, due to discrimination in the field of employment, based on national affiliation…

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No. 982-21

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding 49 complaints of citizens of the Municipality of Požega due to discrimination against members of the Roma national minority. The complaint states that in the intersection of Kralja Petra and Kosovskih junaka streets, for a long period of time, there is graffiti “Gypsies stink”. It…

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No. 797-21

OPINION The opinion was passed in the procedure regarding the complaint of the Association AA against BB and the host VV, regarding the show “…”, which was broadcast on October 26, 2021. The complaint states that, during the show “…”, the host stated, among other things: “We even have a minority in Serbia that has…

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No. 246-21

07-00-00239 / 2021-02 date: 27.9.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of AA, filed against the city of Subotica, due to discrimination against members of the Roma national minority. The complaint states that in Karađorđev put street, near number 1, in Subotica, there is a graffiti “Put gypsies…

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No. 99-21

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings concerning the complaint of AA against the Republic Geodetic Authority (hereinafter: the Authority) due to discrimination based on an assumed personal characteristic – nationality. In the complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that he is the holder of property rights on cadastral plots no. 1990/2 and…

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No. 1091-20

no. 07-00-535/2020-02 date: 22. 4. 2020.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding eight complaints of natural persons against the Foundation A.A., due to discrimination on the grounds of nationality. The complaints state that the Foundation A.A. spreads fear among members of the Roma community and that post on the official…

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No. 110-21

no. 07-00-120 / 2021-02 date: 22.6.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of A.A. from K., against B.B., due to discrimination on the basis of national affiliation – Serbian national affiliation. The complainant stated that at the session of the Management Board of the Newspaper-Publishing Institution “N. Lj.”…

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