Working meeting of Commissioner Janković and OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Abdrakhmanov

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković met with the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, Kairat Abdrakhmanov, at the Commissioner’s premises. The working meeting with the High Commissioner and members of his delegation unfolded in an open and constructive conversation about the position of national minorities in Serbia, where it was pointed out that every democratic society takes care to improve equality in all fields, even the societies that have reached a high level of progress in this area.

Janković informed Abdrakhmanov about the most important measures and activities carried out in the Institution of the Commissioner to improve the position of members of national minorities, and observations were also exchanged about the challenges we face globally in the field of human rights protection and equality.

High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov expressed his support for Commissioner Janković’s work and emphasized the importance of the Commissioner’s commitment to improving the position of national minorities and combating all forms of discrimination. The continuation of the long-standing successful cooperation between the OSCE and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality was also discussed at the meeting.

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