
Commissioner’s reaction to posters with a swastika and anti-semitic paroles in Belgrade

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, strongly condemned the posting of posters with a swastika and anti-semitic content in 27 March Street in Belgrade, stating that such actions are not in accordance with our laws and standards of conduct and do not reflect the general climate in society. Commissioner said that our people…

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Public warning due to inappropriate advertising for domestic products

Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, points out that the advertising campaign of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce that promotes domestic products is offensive and sexist. Once again, the “originality and creativity” in commercials reduce women to an object that can in no way be associated with the products advertised, but are instead insulting…

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Statement of Commissioner regarding the insulting speech in public space

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic points out that despite numerous warnings, public speech is still full of inappropriate misogynistic, sexist statements, as well as insults, related to women who have reported sexual violence or to women who have drawn attention to violence. Commissioner once again warns that all participants in the political and…

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Impermissible insults from Dusan Savic to LGBT population

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, condemns the inadmissible speech of the former football player Dusan Savic, who insulted the LGBT population during his guest appearance on TV Happy. Commenting on the future Law on Same-Sex Partnerships, Savic expressed discriminatory views through additional encouragement of intolerance towards this social group. It is allowed…

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Warning on Misa Vacic insulting Ministers

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, strongly condemns the rhetoric and behavior of the President of the Serbian Right, Misa Vacic, who insulted Ministers Darija Kisic Tepavcevic and Gordana Comic in an extremely inadmissible, discriminatory and disparaging way, when visiting agricultural farms in Pirot county villages. Vacic’s appearance and public promotion of such…

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Warning for the public on unacceptable content on TV Happy

Recent TV Happy show in which astrologists, numerologists and graphologists were interpreting natal charts and destiny numbers of Milena Radulovic and Miroslav Aleksic, in relation to the recently reported case of sexual violence, is an unacceptable humiliation and ridiculing of the woman who reported the violence, as well as mockery of this topic, warns Commissioner…

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Commissioner reacted to NIN cartoon

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic points out that the cartoon in today’s issue of NIN weekly magazine is inappropriate and insulting in many ways, in context of long-standing sexual violence in on of youth acting schools in Belgrade. Rape, sexual harassment and all other criminal acts against sexual freedom, recognized by criminal justice…

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A woman from Aleksinac who was killed by her ex-husband and the latest case when man has wounded his partner and her daughter in Požarevac, along with all the victims of the family and partner violence this year, are a warning to everyone that drawing of public attention to this huge social problem cannot and…

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Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic warns that leader of PSG (Free Citizens Movement) Sergej Trifunovic crossed all public speech boundaries when he insulted an older lady in the most brutal way in one of his tweets. Such sexist and ageist insulting deserve most serious condemnation. Commissioner reminds that public speech must not contain…

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Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic strongly condemns tweets from Informer newspaper editor in chief about journalist Zaklina Tatalovic, stating that they represent an example of sexism that is absolutely impermissible in public communication, whose targets are women journalists and other women from public professions. Commissioner highlights that such attitude towards women must not…

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