The Commissioner recommended measures for achieving equality to insurance companies

In the recommendation of measures sent to the insurance companies, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković stated that insurance companies should take all necessary measures, when concluding insurance contracts for persons traveling and staying abroad, to conclude contracts under equal conditions for all, regardless of age and gender of citizens. The recommendation of measures for achieving equality also states that it is necessary to provide equal treatment for women and men, without discrimination, when determining insurance premiums and benefits.

After being addressed by citizens, as well as civil society organizations, and conducting situational tests, the Commissioner learned that some insurance companies provide travel health insurance services to persons only up to certain years of age. Practice has also shown that some insurance companies set a higher amount of voluntary health insurance premium for women than for men.

Having in mind the importance and significance of insurance systems and services for safe and secure travel of all citizens, the Commissioner expects that when providing their services, insurance companies will respect anti-discrimination regulations and act in accordance with the recommendation.

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