The Commissioner condemned the breaking of the lettering in Hungarian

The breaking of the lettering of Subotica in the Hungarian language, in the colors of the Hungarian flag, is absolutely reprehensible, states the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, pointing out that the Constitution and the laws guarantee members of national minorities the right to official use of their language and script. The Commissioner expects the sign to be restored as soon as possible, and the perpetrators to be sanctioned.

Janković reminds that according to the media, previously, in July, the welcome sign to Subotica in Cyrillic, near the roundabout, was damaged, which is also reprehensible and represents a violation of the Constitution and the law. She warns that such individual incidents of vandalism are harmful and unnecessary in ethnically mixed communities and can negatively affect the values ​​of the common life of citizens and the wealth of diversity.

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