Opinions and recommendations


No. 07-00-156/2015-02

No. 07-00-156/2015-02 date: 7 July 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by М. Ј. from B. against a decision of employer “Т. S.” а.d. B., which prescribes conditions for an incentive of the employees, that it, conditions that only the employees who turn 65 next year may apply…

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No. 07-00-124/2015-02

No. 07-00-124/2015-02 date: 26 June 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by К. К. from B. against PE “Toplana” Bečej. The complainant stated that she was employed in PE “Toplana” Bečej for six years after which she was made redundant as the post she was transferred to (a…

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No. 07-00-88/2015-02

No. 07-00-88/2015-02 date: 24 June 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by organization “R.” from B. against daily newspaper “I.” due to the cover pages published in daily newspaper “I.” dated 11 and 20 October 2014 – “Shiptar Spider Caught” and “Edi Rama Shiptar with No Shame”….

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No. 07-00-116/15-02

No. 07-00-116/15-02 date: 19 June 2015 OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by М. P. from B. against law office BT-L. from B due to discrimination when applying for a job. The complainant stated that, on 13 March 2015, during a job interview in this law office, attorney…

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No. 07-00-65/2015-02

No. 07-00-65/2015-02 date: 17 June 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by М. R. from S on behalf of minor son D. R, a person with disability, against Special Hospital “S”. In the complaint was stated that D. R. stayed in this hospital in the period…

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No. 07-00-96/2015-02

No. 07-00-96/2015-02 date: 17 June 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by I. S. against B. М, Director of Operations in company “М. D.” from S, due to discrimination on the grounds of association with the Roma national minority. In the complaint was stated that, during a dispute…

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No. 07-00-30/2015-02

No. 07-00-30/2015-02 date: 15 June 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by V.L. from B. against the employer, company “V.B.” a.d. N. S, due to the transfer from the post of a business secretary to the post of a cashier clerk when returning to work after…

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No. 07-00-153/2015-02

No. 07-00-153/2015-02 date: 15 June 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by А. I. from K. against company “L. L. H.” d.o.o. B, due to discrimination on the grounds of the marital status at the time of employment. In the complaint was stated that А. I….

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No. 07-00-3/2014-02

No. 07-00-3/2014-02 date: 12 June 2015 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by О. S. from B. against PE “Srbijagas”Novi Sad. The complainant stated that she was 62 years old and had 35 years and eight months of service and that, by signing Annex II to the employment contract…

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no. 07-00-680/2014-02

07-00-680/2014-02, June 12, 2015     OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by M. N. from B. against PE “Srbijagas” Novi Sad. The complainant stated that she was 60 years old and had 37 years of service and that, by signing Annex III to the employment contract No. 01-01-1/475…

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