Opinions and recommendations


No. 194-23

no. 07-00-00124/2023-02 date: 4.8.2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against the Ministry of Internal Affairs (from now on: the Ministry). In the complaint and the amendments, the applicant stated, among other things, that he was employed at the Ministry from June 1, 2000, to…

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No. 317-23

no. 07-00-245/2023-02 date: 4 August 2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings concerning the complaint of association A.A, with the consent of B.B, against Elementary School …, due to discrimination against her three children (her son M.K., who attends first grade, son A.K., who attends fourth grade, and daughter M .K., who…

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No. 320-23

no. 07-00-252/2023-02 date: 4.8.2023. years     OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of A.A. from U. against B.B. due to discrimination based on gender as a personal characteristic. The complaint stated that the complainant was discriminated against because, in the procedure carried out according to the competition of…

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No. 1035-23

no. 021-01-1100/2023-02 date: August 4, 2023   MINISTRY OF FINANCE Siniša Mali, Minister   11000 Belgrade Kneza Miloša 20     Subject: The VAT exemption initiative to exempt products used for feminine hygiene Dear Mr. Mali, The provisions of Article 23, Paragraph 1, of the Law on Value Added Tax[1], stipulate that the general value-added…

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No. 741-22

no. 07-00-526/2022-02 date: 28.7.2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, the vice-president of the Association, against the Republic Fund for Health Insurance, Branch for Jablanički district with headquarters in Leskovac, due to discrimination based on disability. In the complaint, it was stated that the facility of…

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No. 1124-22

no. 07-00-2/2023-02 date: 25.7.2023.   OPINION          The opinion was issued in the procedure concerning the complaint of AA against the BB Elementary School (from now on: the School), who believes that the School discriminated against him based on his marital and family status. The complaint stated, among other things, that the complainant is a divorced…

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No. 256-23

no. 07-00-188/2022-02 date: 21 July 2023. OPINION The opinion was issued in relation to four complaints filed by the parents of four minor children from Niš due to discrimination based on disability and health status. In the complaints, it was stated that the parents submitted applications at the competition for users of child’s personal companion…

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No. 1115-23

no. 07-00-00724/2022-02 date: 4.7.2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against BB, the owner of the bakery, trade, and catering shop VV, due to discrimination based on health and disability. In the complaint, it was stated that the complainant was employed for an indefinite period by…

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No. 159-23

no . 07-00-94/2023-02 date: 19.5.2023                   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint AA filed against the BB Health Center due to discrimination on the basis of age. During the proceedings, it was established that the Rulebook on professional development of employees in the Health Center BB no. …, which…

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No. 186-23

no. 021-00-449/1/2023-02 date: 24 April 2023     MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Vesić, Minister 11000 BELGRADE Nemanjina 22-26   Subject: Initiative to develop a long-term systemic plan at the national level for the removal of architectural barriers and the improvement of accessibility in all buildings in public use and public areas Dear…

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