Opinions and recommendations


Оpinion regarding the complaint lodged by R.L. from B., on behalf of her son K.L. who is a minor, against P.I. “A.” N.B.

No. 07-00-176/2017-02 Date: 21 November 2017   OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by R.L. from B., on behalf of her son K.L. who is a minor, against P.I. “A.” N.B. In her complaint the complainant stated that K.L. was developmentally impaired, that the preschool group…

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Recommendation containing measures for achieving equality issued to the Ministry of Health, to the Republic of Serbia Health Insurance Fund and to the Hospital for Internal Medicine V.B.

No. 07-00-440/2017-02   Date:  3 November 2017   Acting within its legally prescribed mandate[1] to monitor the implementation of anti-discrimination laws and to issue recommendations to public authorities and other entities aimed at achieving equality, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality hereby issues to the Ministry of Health, to the Republic of Serbia Health Insurance…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by A.Ć. from B. against the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the association of citizens “Z.” B., on account of discrimination on the grounds of gender as a personal characteristic.

No. 07-00-376/2017-02  Date:  5  November  2017     OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by A.Ć. from B. against the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the association of citizens “Z.” B., on account of discrimination on the grounds of gender as a personal characteristic….

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by Lj.P. from S. against M.O.O.G.N., Š.N. and S.L.

No. 07-00-266/2017-02  Date: 1 November 2017   OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by Lj.P. from S. against M.O.O.G.N., Š.N. and S.L. In his complaint, the complainant stated that he had been prevented from taking part in the assembly session of that organization as a candidate…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by Đ. A. From S. on behalf of her daughter G.S. who is a minor, against “I.” primary school in S. and N.M., the School Principal.

No. 07-00-259/2017-02    Date: 12 October 2017   OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by Đ. A. From S. on behalf of her daughter G.S. who is a minor, against “I.” primary school in S. and N.M. who is the School Principal. In her complaint, the complainant…

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Recommendation containing measures for achieving equality issued to the Čačak City Assembly.

No.  07-00-178/2017-02  Date: 22 September 2017     Acting within its legally prescribed mandate[1] to monitor the implementation of anti-discrimination laws and to issue recommendations to public authorities and other entities aimed at achieving equality, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality hereby issues to the Čačak City Assembly the following     RECOMMENDATION CONTAINING…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by I.K. from U. against company PTP “D.” DOO from K. on account of discrimination on the grounds of membership in a union organization.

No. 07-00-00555/2016-02  Date: 12 June 2017                                                    OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by I.K. from U. against company PTP “D.” DOO from K. (hereinafter referred to as PTP “D.”), on account of discrimination on the grounds of membership in a union organization. The…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by “D.” and “B.” Associations from B. against P., weekly newspaper E., its Managing Director and its Editor-in-chief.

No. 07-00-241/2017-02   Date: 12 October 2017         OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by “D.” and “B.” Associations from B. against P., weekly newspaper E., its Managing Director and Editor-in-chief, on account of a newspaper article entitled “Diary of an Inmate –…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by M.M. from N. against public utility company “Z.” and its Managing Director A.B. on account of discrimination on the grounds of membership in an association.

No. 07-00-186/2017-02      Date: 12 October 2017   OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by M.M. from N. against public utility company “Z” and its Managing Director A.B. on account of discrimination on the grounds of membership in an association. In her complaint, the complainant stated that…

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Opinion regarding a complaint lodged by UOS against legal person CPM on account of discrimination on the grounds of health status.

No. 07-00-193/2017-02   Date: 14 September 2017       OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by UOS against legal person CPM on account of discrimination on the grounds of health status. In its complaint, the complainant stated that UOS had applied for a permission to organize…

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