Commissioner’s Opinions and Recomendations in the Complaints Procedure


Opinion No. 07-00-484/2017-02

No. 07-00-484/2017-02 Date: 22 June 2018 OPINION The opinion was passed in the procedure following a complaint submitted by C. „Ž. u.“ from N. S on behalf of and with the consent of M. O. against the Commission for the assessment of working ability and employment opportunities or keeping employment of persons with disabilities that…

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No. 07-00-115/2018-02

No. 07-00-115/2018-02  Date: 5 June, 2018   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint filed by M.S. from M. against the elementary school “D.B.V.” in M. The complaint states that her son A. S. from the first day when he went to school “was called a Gypsy by Serbian children”, beat…

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Opinion issued following a procedure lodged upon two complaints on account of discrimination on the grounds of disability

Reference No. 07-00-061/2018-02 Date: 22 May 2018 OPINION   This Opinion was issued in a procedure following two complaints of discrimination on the grounds of disability as a personal characteristic, one filed by J.Č. against the Basic Court in Sombor and one by the Centre for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities – Sombor branch…

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No. 132-18

no. 07-00-00137/2018-02 date: 30.5.2018.     OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the AA association, filed against the responsible editor of the daily newspaper BB, in relation to the front page of that newspaper published on November 14, 2017, which showed a picture of a pregnant man, with…

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No. 07-00-532/2017-02

No. 07-00-532/2017-02  Date: 9 March, 2018   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from К.S. on behalf of her minor daughter S.S. against the Foundation M.T.G.B. on account of discrimination based of her property status. In her complaint she stated, among other things, that her daughter S.S.  applied for a grant…

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Opinion issued following the complaint filed by attorney J.J.T

No. 07-00-529/2017-02  Date: 5th March 2017   OPINION This Opinion was issued in the procedure following the complaint of attorney J.J.T, filed on behalf and with the consent of M.R, against A.S, psychologist and A.A, MD specialised in occupational medicine on account of discrimination on the grounds of the health state of M.P.   The complaint…

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No. 07-00-343/2017-02

No. 07-00-343/2017-02  Date: 29 January, 2018   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from Č.А. against legal entities A.D.A. N.T., B. (hereinafter: A.T.H.), A.D.z.v.s.A.S. B. (hereinafter: a.d.A.S.) and against d.o.o. z.p.u. А.S. B. (hereinafter: d.o.o. A.S.G.S.), on account of discrimination of his minor son V. A. based on the state of…

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Opinion issued following the complaint filed by the Union r.g. and IGM S

07-00-499/2017-02 date: 21/03/2018                                                  OPINION This Opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint by the Union r.g. and IGM S, submitted on behalf and with the consent of D. S. against the employer, the company “R.” a.d. M. Z. and A. S., general manager, due to discrimination based on a personal characteristic of…

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Opinion issued following the complaint filed by А. M from B. against the Preschool Institution R.

No. 07-00-558/2017-02  Date: 16th March 2018 OPINION This Opinion was issued in the procedure following the complaint of А. M from B. against the Preschool Institution R., on account of discrimination on the grounds of health state and age. The complaint states that her underage child A.A was discriminated against in the field of education…

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Opinion issued following a complaint lodged by U.R.i.C against G.B. – Secretariat for Information

07-00-00456/2017-02 date: 28 February 2018     OPINION This Opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by U.R.i.C against G.B. – Secretariat for Information, due to discrimination based on sexual orientation. The complaint states, inter alia, that G.B. – Secretariat for Information implemented a Call for co-financing the production of media content…

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