Commissioner’s Opinions and Recomendations in the Complaints Procedure


No. 84-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint AA submitted on behalf and with the consent of BB due to discrimination based on disability in the process of verifying the health insurance card at the Fund for social insurance of military persons (FSIMP). Namely, the complaint states that as a precondition…

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No. 766-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of A. M. from N. against G. L. entrepreneur of a hairdressing and beauty salon D. N. The complaint stated that A. M. was in the salon with M. M. when the latter was kicked out of the salon with the words “Get…

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 This opinion was prepared in the complaint procedure initiated by the organization P against the elementary school “B. R.” in B, the Municipal Administration of Bujanovac Municipality, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the School Administration Vranje. The complaint stated that in the primary school “B. R.” in B, in the school…

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No. 132-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, a meritorious athlete, against BB, due to the way of scoring top athletes who are over 30 years old based on the BB Rules on closer conditions and criteria for awarding scholarships for top amateur athletes for sports development and for awarding…

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No. 1233-18

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by A. A. from Vršac against bank B. B. due to age discrimination. The complainant stated that almost none of the men employed at the Bank do not stay until retirement, but are declared redundant a few years before retirement, and that three…

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No. 07-00-00542/2018-02  date: 18.1.2019.   OPINION This opinion was given in the complaint procedure filed by M.J., against HC “B” and G.M., director of HC “B.”. The complaint states that M. J. was employed at HC “B.” for a fixed term from July 2014 to December 20, 2017, as a substitute for employed colleagues until…

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No. 56-19

OPINION   The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA and BB from K. against PUC “Vodovod i kanalizacija” because they were not allowed to voluntarily leave the company with the payment of incentive severance pay in the process of rationalizing the number of employees. They believe that they were…

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No. 14-19

OPINION   The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint of organization A. A., filed against company B. B., Sombor Branch Office, because the facility of this company at street 32 ​​in Sombor is not accessible to people with disabilities. During the procedure, a statement was requested from Company B. B. In the…

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No. 1290-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of D.S.I., filed against “P b 1” in F. In the complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that the bakery window was plastered with an image of an insert from a film, with accompanying text, which is derisive and sneering, and insults…

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682.18 MP U.A.I.z.ei.s.p. against D.Z. Z. for discrimination based on nationality in the field of public information

The Opinion was brought in the process with regard to the complaint of the Association „А.а.I.z. e. and s.p.“ filed against D. z. „Z.“ in relation to the article published on official internet page of this institution, which among other things said: “As the aggravating circumstance we can say that the work is being carried…

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