National Affiliation

No. 68-21

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of the association AA, filed against the media BB, due to discrimination on the grounds of nationality. The complaint was filed because of the text published on the media website on January 25, 2021, entitled: “Here is where a suspected boy (15) raped…

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No. 294-20

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the National Council of the Bosniak National Minority (hereinafter: the National Council) against the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (hereinafter: the Ministry), due to discrimination based on nationality. In the complaint, it was stated that the Ministry failed to obtain the…

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No. 1086-20

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following the complaint of association A. A. against elementary school B. B. due to the segregation of Roma children. In the complaint, it was stated that within the elementary school B. B., a preparatory preschool program organized that is attended by 105 children of Roma nationality,…

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No. 22-20

OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure on the complaint of the Alliance against the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, due to a statement made in the RTS Daily News, which referred to citizens of the Republic of Serbia of Montenegrin origin. In the complaint,…

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No. 904-19

No. 07-00-442/2019-02   date: 30.1.2020.                                              OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA against the budget inspectors of the Budget Inspection Service, BB and VV, due to discrimination based on national affiliation and membership in a political organization. The complaint states, inter alia, that during the inspection carried out…

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No. 954-19

No. 07-00-492/2019-02  date: 14. 1. 2020.   OPINION   This opinion was issued in the procedure upon the complaint filed by the non-governmental organization AA, against “A.p.p.” d.o.o., on the grounds of discrimination of a group of persons on the basis of their personal characteristics – skin color and nationality. In their complaint the applicants…

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No. 909-19

OPINION     The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the organization AA, filed on behalf and with the consent of BB, VV, GG, DD, ĐĐ, EE, ŽŽ and ZZ, against BAS – Belgrade bus station a.d. Belgrade, due to discrimination based on nationality. In the complaint, it was stated that…

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No. 297-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, filed against BB, ŽŽ of the Municipal Committee of the VV party, due to the statement in which he called the members of the Vlach national minority “Indians”. BB completely denied calling the members of the Vlach national minority “Indians”, pointing…

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No. 1105-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against BB … and VV. In her complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that on September 12, 2019, in the branch office of BB in … street in …, in the presence of two counter clerks and the “official”…

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No. 895-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against BB. In the complaint, it was stated that AA and members of the Bosniak nationality in the Republic of Serbia who stated that they speak Bosnian at the 2011 Census had their rights violated by the act of the Program Council….

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