
No. 1216-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the AA and BB associations against the National Museum of GG, due to discrimination against persons with disabilities. In the complaint, among other things, it was asserted that people with disabilities who move with the help of wheelchairs are not provided with…

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No. 1207-18

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings concerning the complaint of the organizations AA and BB filed against the Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration due to the inaccessibility of the Tax Administration Branch in Leskovac to persons with disabilities. In the statement of the Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration – Headquarters, Sector for Material…

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No. 07-00-501/2018-02

No. 07-00-501/2018-02 Date: 22 October 2018 OPINION   This Opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by R. L. and M. I. from B, on behalf of minor son K. L against Preschool Institution “A” N. B. In the complaint is stated that PI “A” N. B. refuses to create an Individual…

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No. 07-00-540/2018-02

No. 07-00-540/2018-02 Date: 10 November 2018   OPINION This Opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by М. G. against company Z. T. dоо B. due to disability-based discrimination. In the complaint was stated that М. G, using interpretation services of the Video Relay Centre of the City Organisation of the Deaf…

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No. 07-00-524/2017-02

No. 07-00-524/2017-02  Date: 8 June 2018   OPINION The opinion was made in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by the Association “H.c.K” on behalf of people with disabilities, against the P.H.C.C. “N.B.” because of the inaccessibility of the facilities of the P.H.C.C. “N.B.” at 30, M.T. Street, and 53, N. Street. The complaint stated…

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No. 07-00-464/2017-02

No. 07-00-464/2017-02  Date: 5 February 2018         OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by J.K. against the P.E. “Post of Serbia”, Post Office 25101 Sombor, because the building of this company at 12, Dositeja Obradovića Street, with its entrance at 32, Venac Stepe Stepanovića Street,…

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Reference no. 07-00-00512/2018-02

Reference no. 07-00-00512/2018-02   Date: 29 August 2018 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure pertaining to the complaint lodged by B.L. against PE “P.S.”. The complaint states that the facility, in which the post office is located at G. in Z, is not accessible for persons with disabilities, since the entrance to the facility…

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No. 07-00-102/2018-02 Date: 5 July 2018

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by B.V. of B. on behalf of her minor daughter N.V. against the Primary School “J.R.” in B. and its head teacher M.Ć. for discrimination of the minor girl N.V. on the grounds of her personal characteristic – disability. The complaint stated…

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Opinion No. 07-00-484/2017-02

No. 07-00-484/2017-02 Date: 22 June 2018 OPINION The opinion was passed in the procedure following a complaint submitted by C. „Ž. u.“ from N. S on behalf of and with the consent of M. O. against the Commission for the assessment of working ability and employment opportunities or keeping employment of persons with disabilities that…

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Opinion issued following a procedure lodged upon two complaints on account of discrimination on the grounds of disability

Reference No. 07-00-061/2018-02 Date: 22 May 2018 OPINION   This Opinion was issued in a procedure following two complaints of discrimination on the grounds of disability as a personal characteristic, one filed by J.Č. against the Basic Court in Sombor and one by the Centre for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities – Sombor branch…

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