
No. 742-21

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by the Association of citizens AA, against the insurance company B. B., due to discrimination of persons based on age, in the field of providing travel health insurance services. Association of citizens A. A. informed the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality of…

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No. 321-20

OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by the professor of the AA faculty of the University of BB, Dr. VV, on her behalf, and on the behalf and with the consent of the professor of the AA faculty of the University of BB, Dr. GG, against the Ministry of…

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No. 17-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, submitted due to discrimination based on age, against the employer, the Institute of Dentistry BB. In his complaint, he stated that his professional training and advancement were blocked and that the Rulebook on professional development and specialization of health workers and…

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No. 132-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, a meritorious athlete, against BB, due to the way of scoring top athletes who are over 30 years old based on the BB Rules on closer conditions and criteria for awarding scholarships for top amateur athletes for sports development and for awarding…

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No. 1233-18

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by A. A. from Vršac against bank B. B. due to age discrimination. The complainant stated that almost none of the men employed at the Bank do not stay until retirement, but are declared redundant a few years before retirement, and that three…

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No. 56-19

OPINION   The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA and BB from K. against PUC “Vodovod i kanalizacija” because they were not allowed to voluntarily leave the company with the payment of incentive severance pay in the process of rationalizing the number of employees. They believe that they were…

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No 07-00-556/2018-02

No 07-00-556/2018-02   Date: 14 November 2018     OPINION   This Opinion was adopted in the proceedings concerning a complaint by A. V. from B, filed against the Hunting Society “B.”, citing discrimination based on age. The complaint states, inter alia, that the membership fee in the Hunting Society “B” is 25,000 RSD for people…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by Lj.P. from S. against M.O.O.G.N., Š.N. and S.L.

No. 07-00-266/2017-02  Date: 1 November 2017   OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by Lj.P. from S. against M.O.O.G.N., Š.N. and S.L. In his complaint, the complainant stated that he had been prevented from taking part in the assembly session of that organization as a candidate…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by B.J. from Č., with consent of D.V., against Social Welfare Center of the City of Č.

No. 07-00-178/2017-02  Date: 5 September 2017       OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by B.J. from Č., with consent of D.V., against Social Welfare Center of the City of Č. In the course of the complaint procedure it has been ascertained that by…

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Complaint filed by G.D.S. on account of article entitled “Gray power”, published on 2 April 2017 by “D.” daily newspaper on account of discrimination on the grounds of age

No. 07-00-00150/2017-02  Date: 10 July 2017 OPINION     The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged by G.D.S. on account of article entitled “Gray power”, published on 2 April 2017 by “D.” daily newspaper. The complainant claimed that this article was “extremely ageistic” as it calls for disenfranchisement of persons who are…

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