
Marking the International day of Tolerance 2014

On the occasion of the International day of Tolerance – 16th November, the Commissioner for Protection of Equality published the Dictionary of Tolerance in the daily newspaper “Danas”. Also, a comic for children which represented the cases of discrimination, was created with the support of Unicef and published in the daily newspaper “Politika”.

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Media campaign “Discrimination is not a joke”

As a finishing activity of the EU project “Implementation of anti-discrimination policies in the Republic of Serbia – IPA 2011” a national campaign for promotion of equality and discrimination combating started in the second half of 2014. The central part of the campaign, named “Discrimination is not a joke – let’s talk about equality” and…

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Conference “Serbia on the way to Tolerance and Non-discrimination”

At the end of October 2014, in the Palace of Serbia, a big conference “Serbia on the way to Tolerance and Non-discrimination: the Experiences of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality” was held, which attended more than 200 participants. This conference attracted a lot media, since all relevant subjects, whose strategic goals and priorities were…

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Equinet Legal Training held in Belgrade

On 16-17 October 2014 in Belgrade, Equinet, with the support and hosting of the Serbian Commission for the Protection of Equality, organised a training event on positive action measures. During a two-day training, the effects of the application of affirmative action measures, which are taken in the states which are members of EQUINET in order…

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Pride Parade held in Belgrade

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality along with a group of employees joined the Pride parade, which was held after three years of unsuccessful trials in September 2014. Much like previous years, a support was given to the organisation of all planned activities in the Pride Week, as well as the Parade itself. It was…

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International Pride Day marked in Belgrade

On the International day of LGBT pride 27th June, in park Manjež a meeting was held and after it a walk was organised, as a sign of solidarity between LGBT population with the Roma community, in Belgrade street where, in 1997, a Roma boy Dušan Jovanović was killed. The action called “Hate-free zone” was organised…

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Workshop “Mediation in Cases of Discrimination”

Commissioner for Protection of Equality, in cooperation with Partners for Democratic Change Serbia (Partners Serbia), organised the workshop “Mediation in Cases of Discrimination” in Vrnjačka Banja. The meeting was a chance to gather mediators specially trained for discrimination cases and their linking. A part of the workshop was dedicated to the promotion of mediation in…

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Seminar “Representation of Women before Independent Institutions”

The mandate and activities of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality were presented by advisors Danijela Stojimenov and Marija Zarić on the seminar “Representation of Women before Independent Institutions”, organised in collaboration with the association of women Femina from Smederevska Palanka. The attendees, members of the association, were told about the authorisation and the results…

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Regional Office of the Commissioner opened in Novi Pazar

In March 2014, in Novi Pazar the first regional office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality was opened, with the help of Novi Pazar municipality, as well as financial support of European Union and the Government of Switzerland within the Programme of European partnership with municipalities EU Progress. Opening of this office enabled the…

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“Living library” at the Belgrade Book Fair

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality continued the successful cooperation with the Office of the Council of Europe in Belgrade, on the project „Don’t judge a book by its cover – Living Library in Serbia”, as the project coordinator. The Living Library in Serbia is a project launched by the Council of Europe in partnership…

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