Commissioner takes part in „Vreme magazine against violence“ round table

“We act within the scope of our mandate and in doing so, we continuously reinforce the message that there is a strong correlation between subjugated position of women in our society and discrimination which puts them at risk of being abused, hurt or even killed just because they are women,” said Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality at the most recent „Vreme magazine against violence“ round table.

She stressed that, when talking about gender based violence, we must always bear in mind the consequences – every time a woman takes a beating, her children take away a lesson that lasts them a lifetime. However, when a woman opts to break the vicious circle, she sends a clear message to her children that they too do not have to put up with violence and that there is a way out.

“Few days ago I read a news article that made me think – Serbia Revenue Agency issued a public call to all citizens of Serbia to report on their neighbors who lease their condominiums to tenants but fail to file tax returns on that income. In excess of 200 such tips were received by the SRA. Although I am convinced that paying taxes is a must, I could not help but wonder are we really that conscientious and eager when it comes to reporting domestic and intimate partner violence incidents in homes of our next door neighbors,” said the Commissioner and added that she hoped that this situation would change as violence is neither a private nor a family matter. It is a crime.

Commissioner Janković commended „Vreme magazine against violence“ project, underlining the importance of carrying on with the activities as they go a long way towards raising awareness about violence. She also said that the project was developed in keeping with the highest professional media standards and that the messages which are being sent out should reach as many women as possible.

All speakers at the round table agreed that „Vreme magazine against violence“ project was very successful and that it was instrumental in launching a society wide public discussion that should bring about the creation of system-related, legal, procedural and other measures geared towards preventing, suppressing and eliminating violence against women and domestic violence.

Speakers included: Tatjana Ignjatović from Autonomous Women’s Center, Branka Drašković, special advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister with the Government of the Republic of Serbia – Coordination Body for Gender Equality, Jelena Jorgačević, journalist of Vreme weekly magazine and Jelena Gligorijević, journalist of Vreme weekly magazine acting as a moderator.

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