
World Alzheimer’s Day

On the occasion of the World Alheimer’s Day, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković said that caring for our elderly citizens is a moral imperative for each society, while special attention must be given to all those individuals in need of certain types of protection, in particular to those suffering from the…

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2016 Belgrade Pride Parade

2016 Belgrade Pride Parade which was held without any incidents and tensions demonstrated that Serbia has become a more mature and tolerant society, said Brankica Janković Commissioner for the Protection of Equality. She stressed that activities towards improving regulations need to continue in order to create equal legal opportunities for all citizens in our country…

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2015 Regular Annual Report of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality before the Parliamentary Judicial Committee

Regular Annual Reports of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and Protector of Citizens were subject of scrutiny of the Parliamentary Judicial, State Administration and Local Government Committee during its Second Session. In addition, the 2015 Report on the Implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance and the Law…

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The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Opens a Conference on Child Rights

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality opened an international Conference on Child Rights organized by the Center for Advanced Legal Studies in cooperation with the AIRE Center from London and held at the Belgrade Media Center. The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality stressed the significance of the commitment expressed by the…

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Conference on Roma discrimination

„Discrimination of the Roma – Experience of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality“ conference was organized by the institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and supported by the GIZ. The main objective of this conference was to encourage key players tasked with the protection of Roma rights to use equality protection…

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The Commissioner meets the elderly in Čačak

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality took part in a focus group as part of “Position of the elderly in rural areas” project implemented by the institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and Red Cross of Serbia. The aim of this focus group was to find out how the…

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Seminar for Police Officers in Kragujevac

The sixth seminar „Mechanisms for detecting and addressing discrimination” was held at the Police Administration Headquarters in Kragujevac. Tanja Jokanović, senior advisor with Professional Service of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality presented the role and authority of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality institution, while Belgrade University Law School professor Ivana Krstić…

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Public consultations on Draft National Action Plan for the implementation of 1325 UN SC Resolution

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality took part in the final debate on the Draft National Action Plan for the implementation of 1325 UN SC Resolution, “Women, Peace and Security, at the local level. Stressing the fact that gender equality, women’s rights promotion and women’s increased participation in the national security system…

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The Commissioner met with the USA Ambassador

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality met with H.E. Mr. Kyle Scott the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia and Ana Haćić-Vlahović, political advisor. The Commissioner informed the Ambassador on the Commissioner’s scope of authority and activities while the Ambassador expressed particular interest in the position of the most vulnerable…

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Seminar for police officers in Subotica

At the fourth in a string of seminars „Mechanisms for detecting and addressing discrimination” held in Subotica, Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality presented the work and activities of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality instituion. On behalf of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Jan Stefan Wredenmark, senior advisor in charge…

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