
Series of lectures „Recognition and Reaction to Discrimination“ for the Police and Police Officers completed

Today’s seminar and workshop on Divčibare marked the end of the training course „Recognition and Reaction to Discrimination“ for police officers, organized by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and OSCE Mission in Serbia. Training sessions were held in eight different municipalities throughout Serbia, namely in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Vršac, Niš, Novi Sad, Subotica, Novi…

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Rights of women and girls with disabilities

Women with disabilities are exposed to multiple discrimination, they are poor, find employment less often than men with disabilities and often remain invisible in the public life, stated the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković at the„Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities“ Conference, held on 3 December, the International Day of Persons…

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Commissioner’s Lecture at “Women in politics – gender equality or not” Seminar

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality gave a lecture to students of social-humanistic sciences on equality protection and active engagement of women in politics. Commissioner gave a brief presentation on the institution,  the complaints process and cases with the most common rights violations and talked to students about complaints and ways of…

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Commissioner Janković at the Session „Significance of Informal Parliamentary Groups“

Brankica Janković , the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality attended „Significance of Informal Parliamentary Groups“  session presented by the Group for Empowering Persons with Disability and Women Parliamentary Network, which represent important examples of contemporary parliamentary activity in cooperation with organizations of civil society. Janković stressed that Commissioner for the Protection of Equality has…

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Commissioner addressed Students of the School of Human Rights

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Janković held a lecture to students of the School of Human Rights „Vojin Dimitrijević“. Lecture was held in House of Human Rights in Belgrade. Commissioner gave a brief presentation on the institution, the complaints process and cases with the most common rights violations and talked to students about complaints…

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Exploitation of children is the cause and consequence of discrimination

Exploitation of children and their work can be both the cause and the consequence of discrimination and inequality, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković and called on key stakeholders to extend support to vulnerable families, especially by implementing prevention measures, in order to terminate child labor in all areas. Many poor households…

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The Commissioner’s lecture to students of The Faculty of Law

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic held a lecture to student members of the Law Clinic on Discrimination of the University of Belgrade- Faculty of Law. The topic of the lecture was the role and jurisdiction of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality and methods of protection from discrimination, with special emphasis on…

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International conference on implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic attended the Conference on Implementation of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Violence against Women named “Support and Empowerment of Women – Whose responsibility is it?” organized by the Autonomous Women’s Center in the National Assembly of Serbia. The Conference was dedicated to institutional framework, the role…

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Fourth Conference of Women’s Parliamentary Network

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality – Brankica Jankovic stated today that there can’t be no actual gender equality in any area of society without equal representation of women in The National Assembly and that Women’s Parliamentary Network sends a clear message that all political, ideological and other differences can be overcome when it comes…

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The Commissioner and all of the employees from the institution signed the Inciative to make 18th of May a Day of remembrance for all the women murdered during domestic violence

The Commissioner Brankica Jankovic and all of the employees from the institution signed the Inciative to make 18th of May a Day of remembrance for all the women murdered during domestic violence in Serbia. This institution became the first to support the activity of the CSOs Autonomous Women’s Center and Network of Women against violence….

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