
Commissioner at the Mentor Walk in Čačak

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in the traditional Mentor Walk in Čačak, held as part of the “Share Your Knowledge” program, which is implemented with the aim of training and economic empowerment of women, exchanging knowledge and encouraging women’s solidarity. This time, Čačak hosted a network of female mentors, alumni,…

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Commissioner Janković in Prague

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in two international conferences in Prague dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust and the fight against anti-Semitism. The international conference dedicated to the Terezin Declaration of 2009, which took place on November 3 and 4, is one of the main events organized by the…

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The Commissioner: The key to improving the position of women and girls in rural areas is economic independence

Improving the quality of life of women in rural areas is important for our entire society because a strong woman means a strong village, which implies economic and other empowerment and a more equal distribution of property and income, said the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jaković, at the “A Look in the…

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Commissioner at the presentation of the report on violence against refugee and migrant children

Refugee and migrant children are particularly vulnerable and are at risk of multiple discrimination, and the data presented today can be extremely useful for a more detailed understanding of the problem and the creation of more effective solutions, said the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality at the presentation of the report “Wherever we go,…

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International Gerontological Congress

Improving the position and preventing discrimination of the elderly has a high place on the priority agenda of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, but also of the entire society, because it depends on us whether we will allow “ageism” to become the dominant form of discrimination in the 21st century or whether we…

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The Commissioner opened the conference on preventing discrimination against Roma

We initiate change together, which is why we have invited institutions and relevant organizations to unite and undertake various activities in order to successfully fight for an equal position of Roma in our society, said the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the opening of the conference “Prevention and protection against discrimination…

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Commissioner with the Regional Director of UN Women

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with the Regional Director of UN Women for Europe and Central Asia, Alia El-Yassir, with whom she discussed the promotion of equality and the protection of women from discrimination, as well as the institution’s planned activities in this field. The Commissioner pointed out that in…

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The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality participated in the annual general assembly of EQUINET

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in the annual general assembly of EQUINET, the European Network of Equality Bodies in Brussels. At this year’s meeting of EQUINET, the strategic work plan for the period 2023-2026 was adopted. A special part of the session was devoted to the presentation and promotion of…

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Results of the competition “Bridge of understanding – intergenerational solidarity”

On the occasion of celebrating October 1, the International Day of Older Persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality this year as well, traditionally, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, announced a competition for the best literary work, artwork, and photography on the topic “Bridge of understanding – intergenerational…

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Building trust in equality: improving access to justice for Roma in Hungary and Serbia

Despite all the efforts and significant changes, when it comes to the position of the Roma, they are still exposed to discrimination in all areas of social life, and negative attitudes and prejudices against the Roma are often repeated, said the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the presentation of the report…

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