Complaint of the association “Let it be known (Da se zna)!” against Jugoslav Kiprijanović

In the procedure conducted on the complaint of the association “Let it be known (Da se zna)!” against Jugoslav Kiprijanović, editor of the Serbian page of the International Family News portal, regarding the article on same-sex communities with the subtitle “How ideological colonizers are boiling the frog in Serbia”, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality gave an opinion that there has been a violation of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination. Considering the overall context, the Commissioner gave the opinion that the views in the text are disturbing, humiliating and represent a violation of the dignity of a group of persons, based on their personal characteristics. The Commissioner had in mind that the right to freedom of religion means primarily the freedom to believe and perform religious rites, to change the religion and express the religion, but it must not serve as an excuse for violating the rights of others and discrimination, the same way freedom of speech, regardless of the way ideas and views are expressed and published, must not be an excuse for discrimination.

Jugoslav Kiprijanović was recommended to remove the text from his website, as well as to refrain in the future from attitudes that discriminate. Since Kiprijanović did not act on the recommendation even after the warning within the legal deadline of 30 days, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, in accordance with the Law, informs the public.

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