Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic received the award “Contribution of the year to Europe”

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic and comic writer Marko Somborac are the winners of this years “Contribution of the Year to Europe” award, which the European Movement in Serbia has been awarding since 2002. It is stated in the explanation for Brankica Jankovic that she significantly contributed to the promotion of European values ​​in Serbia with tireless work, clearly expressed attitudes and timely reactions to the phenomenon of discrimination and inequality in the society.

Thanking for the award, the Commissioner emphasized that Serbia demonstrates commitment to European values in many ways and assessed that nowadays almost all of Europe faces numerous challenges and a crisis of values, but that such situation is a motivation. That is why today we have a special obligation to protect European ideas, because it is easy to believe and advocate them when they are generally acceptable, with a high percentage of trust in Europe, just as dealing with human rights is not valuable if you are afraid and instead of protecting everyone – calculate who, when and how will you protect.

“If we continue to develop tolerance, respect for diversity, respect for human rights and equality, as fundamental values ​​that are part of European countries as well as our country, then, in the long run, we will strengthen the foundations of a healthy democratic society that we want Serbia to be. Equal rights for one does not mean less rights for the other, because human rights are not a cake that is being divided, so that someone will get bigger pieces. On the contrary, human rights protect all of us, each of us individually, and it is therefore important that we see authority in them, which will lead us and live with us each day, “emphasized Jankovic, adding that the vision of the European Movement in Serbia coincides with the work and commitment of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality.

By awarding meritorious individuals and organizations, European Movement in Serbia wants to encourage engagement in building a modern and democratic society in Serbia, as well as work on promoting European values ​​and supporting reform processes that lead to full membership of Serbia in the European Union.

The awards were handled at the ceremony in Aeroclub by EMS President Mihailo Crnobrnja and EMS Secretary General Suzana Grubjesic.


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