Opinions and recommendations


No. 424-22

Acting within the legally prescribed competence to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality and protection against discrimination, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issues this RECOMMENDATION OF MEASURES FOR ACHIEVING EQUALITY AND PROTECTION AGAINST DISCRIMINATION   The Commissioner…

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No. 1058-21

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, the head of the Department for Enhancement, Development and Supervision of Library Activities in the City Library in …, filed against the Trade Union Organization of the City Library in … and the Union of Independent Trade Unions of the City…

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No. 131-22

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by lawyer A. A. on behalf of B. B. against the Red Cross V. V. due to discrimination based on family status. The complaint stated that, after returning from maternity leave and leave from work to take care of the child, an…

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No. 167-22

no. 07-00- 184 / 202 2 -02 date : 14.6.2022.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by the AA Association against BB, the president of the VV Party, due to the statements he made at the media conference on the party premises during the presentation of the…

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No. 66-22

No. 07-00-72/2022-02 date: 14.6.2022.       OPINION     The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaints of AA and Association BB, filed against the daily newspaper GG, and DD, the author of the article “Paradise in Vuk Vrčević street”, as well as the complaint of the association VV, filed against the…

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No. 372-22

021-01-451 / 2022-02 date: 2.6.2022.     Acting within the legally prescribed competence to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures to public authorities and other persons to achieve equality and protection against discrimination, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issues this   RECOMMENDATION OF MEASURES FOR ACHIEVING…

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No. 106-22

No. 07-00-115/2022-02 date: 2. 6. 2022. OPINION The opinion was adopted regarding the complaint of A. A, which she filed on behalf of her minor child B. B, against the Secretariat for Social Protection of the City of Belgrade and the City Center for Social Work Department New Belgrade for discrimination based on health status….

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No. 208-22

021-01-00272 / 2022-02 date: May 31, 2022   Acting within the legally prescribed competence to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality and protection against discrimination, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issues the following   RECOMMENDATION OF MEASURES…

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No. 35-22

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaints filed by AA, a lawyer from … on behalf of BB against the Tourist Organization … (hereinafter: TO …), the acting director VV and the president of the competition commission GG, due to discrimination in the field of employment, based on national affiliation…

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no. 07-00-577/2021-02 date: 12.5.2022.     Acting within the statutory competence[1] to monitor the implementation of the laws on the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures for achieving equality and protection against discrimination to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality refers to the insurance company the following  …

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