Opinions and recommendations


Complaint filed by J.V. and J.M. against S.Š. because of discrimination on grounds of sex in area of association work

No. 07-00-623/2016-02   Date: 12.5.2017. OPINION   Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by J.B. and J.M., lawyers from B. against lawyer S.Š. from B. because of discrimination on grounds of sex. It was stated in complaint that on Bar Association of B. assembly held on 24 September 2016, S.Š. made a series of…

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No. 07-00-521/2016-02

No. 07-00-521/2016-02  Date:3 February, 2017   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from organization R.I.C. against the daily newspaper “I” on account of the text “TERRIBLE! PAJTIĆ REQUIRES FOR FAGGOTS TO ADOPT CHILDREN! Shocking political turn of the leader of the Democratic Party! “, published on 24 June, 2016. The…

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Complaint filed by I.J. against lawyer R.T. because of discrimination on grounds of family status in area of work and employment

Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by I.J. from B. against lawyer R.T. from B. because of discrimination when applying for professional practice and specialization. Complainant stated that, during the phone interview for the professional practice, lawyer R.T. asked her about her family status, where and with whom she was living, whether she…

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– Complaint filed by A. against Social Care City Center because of discrimination on grounds of sex and nationality in area of providing services

Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by A. on behalf of R.K. against Social Care City Center in Belgrade, Zvezdara department, because of discrimination of R.K. and her juvenile daughter on grounds of gender and national affiliation, namely being a member of Roma national minority. It was stated in complaint that employees in…

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Complaint by B.J. against Institute for urgent medical assistance because of discrimination on grounds of age in area of health care

No. 07-00-583/2016-02  Date: 10.4.2017. OPINION   Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by V.S. on behalf of B.J. from K. against Institute for urgent medical assistance Kragujevac, because of discrimination of children. It was stated in complaint that two-year old child B.J. was suffocating but the service of Institute for urgent medical assistance…

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Complaint by A.M. against elementary school P.P.NJ. in B. because discrimination on grounds of disability in area of education

No. 07-00-630/2016-02 Date: 27.3.2017.   OPINION Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by A.M. from B. on behalf of underaged son N.M. against elementary school “P.P.Nj.” in B. and class teacher J.D. It was stated in the complaint that N.M. is a first grade pupil and a child with diagnosed pervasive development disorder,…

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Complaint filed by group of MPs against Association D.D.K. in N. because of discrimination on grounds of gender in area of association’s work

No. 07-00-638/2016-02   Date: 27.3.2017.   OPINION   Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by MPs O.P., G.Č., N.L., M.T., because of calendar for 2017, published by Association D.D.K. in N. Complainants stated that pictures and comments printed in calendar, that was published by Association D.D.K. in N. insult and degrade women. During the…

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Complaint filed by C.K.P.R. against Railways Serbia because of discrimination on grounds of personal property migrant in area of services

No. 07-00-575/2016-02  Date: 27. 3. 2017.   OPINION     Opinion was issued in proceedings upon complaint filed by organization C.K.P.R. against Serbian Railways Company Belgrade. It was determined in course of proceedings that voluntary discrimination investigator G.A., citizen of I., who sought asylum in Republic of Serbia, unsuccessfully tried to buy train ticket at…

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Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by J.B. from Belgrade against Social Care City Center in Belgrade, Zvezdara department, because of discrimination on grounds of marital and family status

No. 07-00-00377/2016-02  Date: 20.01.2017.       OPINION   Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by J.B. from Belgrade against Social Care City Center in Belgrade, Zvezdara department, because of discrimination on grounds of marital and family status. Complainant stated that decision of Social Care City Center in Belgrade, Zvezdara department, that declined…

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General recommendation to the Ministry of Education

12 May 2017, 56-00-6/2016-02   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies [1] to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and to recommend measures to achieve equality to the public authorities and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality addresses to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological…

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