Opinions and recommendations


No. 07-00-524/2017-02

No. 07-00-524/2017-02  Date: 8 June 2018   OPINION The opinion was made in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by the Association “H.c.K” on behalf of people with disabilities, against the P.H.C.C. “N.B.” because of the inaccessibility of the facilities of the P.H.C.C. “N.B.” at 30, M.T. Street, and 53, N. Street. The complaint stated…

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No. 07-00-464/2017-02

No. 07-00-464/2017-02  Date: 5 February 2018         OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by J.K. against the P.E. “Post of Serbia”, Post Office 25101 Sombor, because the building of this company at 12, Dositeja Obradovića Street, with its entrance at 32, Venac Stepe Stepanovića Street,…

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No. 07-00-561/2018-02

No. 07-00-561/2018-02  Dated:  24 July 2018         OPINION     This Opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by М. P. against the Center for Physical Culture “D.Ј.“ from Vrbas. The complainant stated that the gym of this sports center has time slots on Tuesdays and Thursdays intended exclusively…

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Reference no. 07-00-00512/2018-02

Reference no. 07-00-00512/2018-02   Date: 29 August 2018 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure pertaining to the complaint lodged by B.L. against PE “P.S.”. The complaint states that the facility, in which the post office is located at G. in Z, is not accessible for persons with disabilities, since the entrance to the facility…

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Reference no. 07-00-506/2016-02

Reference no. 07-00-506/2016-02   Date: 24 August 2018   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure pertaining to the complaint lodged by U.N.S. against R.B. JSC B. due to the Decision of the Bank not to approve a loan since their have a status of a legal person registered as non-profit associaton. The complaint, among…

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Reference no. 07-00-368/2018-02

Reference no. 07-00-368/2018-02 Date: 2nd August 2018     OPINION   This opinion was issued in the procedure pertaining to the complaint lodged by the association “R.I.C.” and “G.L.” against Nenad Popović, a minister without portfolio in charge of innovations and technological development. The complaint states that minister Nenad Popović, on his Twitter account, referencing…

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No. 07-00-259/2018-02

No. 07-00-259/2018-02  Date: 10 August 2018                                                  OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by N.V. of S. against the Municipality of Senta and the Public Enterprise “E.” S. for discrimination on the grounds of property status as a personal characteristic. The complaint stated that the adoption of the…

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No. 07-00-264/2018-02

No. 07-00-264/2018-02 Dated: 2 July 2018   OPINION This Opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by U.g. F. against Zoran Đorđević, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, due to the Minister’s speech at conference “Women from Rural Areas – Equal Citizens of Serbia”. The complaint stated that Minister Zoran…

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No. 07-00-00028/2018-02

No. 07-00-00028/2018-02 Dated: 25 May 2018     OPINION   This Opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by G.N. from P. agianst School for Primary and Secondary Education “М.“ from P, on behalf of and with the consent of Z.D, legal representative of student M.D. The complaint stated that, on 10…

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Number: 021-01-00327/2018-02  Date: 27 September 2018   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies[1] to monitor the implementation of the laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommending to public authorities and other persons measures for the achievement of equality, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality sends to the Internet portal (­­­­­­____________________________________________________________)  recommendations…

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