Opinions and recommendations


284-18 complaint U.D.S.Z. against V.D. due to discrimination based on sexual orientation in public information media

Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by the association DSZ against VD, regarding a text published on January 12, 2018 under the title “In defense of the natural family” on the website www …. The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality conducted a proceeding considering the allegations from complaints and pronouncements, the text…

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No. 1116-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of the Association AA, which was submitted on behalf of and with the consent of BB against the Association VV due to discrimination based on sexual orientation. The complaint stated that BB, on the night between July 28 and 29, 2018, suffered harassment and sexual harassment…

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No. 167-19

No. 07-00-151/2019-02  date: 6. 3. 2019.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of A. A. against B. B. The complaint states, among other things, that the provisions of Art. 2, 20, 22 and 25 of the Statute of B. B. discriminate against para-taekwondo athletes and clubs. It is stated…

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No. 1201-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of organization “AA” filed against BB, regarding the statements he made in the show “Interview” of the media production “Balkan info” on November 3, 2018. In the complaint, among other things, it was specified that BB, in a conversation with the anchor, regarding…

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No. 768-18

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint submitted by BB on behalf of and with the consent of AA against the VV Health Center and Dr. GG, head of the Department for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, due to discrimination based on AA’s health condition. The complaint stated, among other things, that…

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No 07-00-00218/2018-02  Date: 19/12/2018   OPINION This Opinion was adopted in the proceedings concerning a complaint by the Center for Independent Living of PwDs (CIL) against the Urban Municipality of New Belgrade (UMNB), the City Electoral Commission (CEC), and institutions and establishments whose buildings had been designated as polling stations at the elections for members…

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No. 1216-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the AA and BB associations against the National Museum of GG, due to discrimination against persons with disabilities. In the complaint, among other things, it was asserted that people with disabilities who move with the help of wheelchairs are not provided with…

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No. 1207-18

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings concerning the complaint of the organizations AA and BB filed against the Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration due to the inaccessibility of the Tax Administration Branch in Leskovac to persons with disabilities. In the statement of the Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration – Headquarters, Sector for Material…

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No 07-00-349/2018-02

No 07-00-349/2018-02   Date: 1 October 2018     OPINION   This opinion was adopted in the proceedings concerning a complaint by S. P. from T, filed against the Municipal Council of the Municipality of T, concerning the Decision of the Municipal Council on the establishment of the economic price of the program of education and…

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No 07-00-556/2018-02

No 07-00-556/2018-02   Date: 14 November 2018     OPINION   This Opinion was adopted in the proceedings concerning a complaint by A. V. from B, filed against the Hunting Society “B.”, citing discrimination based on age. The complaint states, inter alia, that the membership fee in the Hunting Society “B” is 25,000 RSD for people…

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