Opinions and recommendations


No. 302-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by T. D. from B, on behalf of her minor daughter L. P, against Elementary School “M” N. B, principal V. J, teacher N. D, pedagogue A. S. and psychologist J. V. In the complaint, it was stated, among other things, that L….

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No. 021-00-522/2019-02

No. 021-00-522/2019-02   Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies[1] to monitor the implementation of the laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures for the achievement of equality to public authority bodies and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality hereby issues to the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and…

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No. 021-01-520/2019-02

Acting within the framework of legally prescribed competencies[1] to monitor the implementation of the laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures for the achievement of equality to public authority bodies and other persons, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality hereby issues to the Bank the following   RECOMMENDATION ON MEASURES FOR ACHIEVING…

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1211-18 Opinion with recommendation upon the complaint by CUPS against PC Post of Serbia because of discrimination on grounds of disability and accessibility of object in public use

OPINION   Opinion is given in the proceeding upon complaint filed by organization C.U.P.S. and C.R.D against Public company “Post of Serbia”, because of discrimination on grounds of disability. In the complaint, it was stated that the Post building in L. is not accessible for persons with disabilities using wheelchair, because of architectural barriers. In…

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1001-18 Opinion with recommendation upon the complaint by a civil society organization against Center for social work because of discrimination on grounds of nationality

OPINION Opinion was issued in the proceeding upon complaint filed by civil society organization against Center for social work in P. because of discrimination against group of persons of Roma nationality who are internally displaced persons. It was stated in the complaint that the Center for social work in P. refused to accept a welfare…

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No. 314-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint submitted by N.o.o.s.i.s, on behalf of and with the consent of I. J, against the company “V.” doo B, due to discrimination of I. J. based on disability. The complaint stated that on April 15, 2019, I. J. had a flight to Tirana…

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No. 218-19

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings following the complaint of the AA Association against the Provincial Institute for Gender Equality regarding the conditions of the Contest for the awarding of grants to married couples in the territory of AP Vojvodina for the purchase of rural houses with a garden. Namely, in the complaint,…

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No. 9-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against Dr. BB, Head of the Anesthesia and Reanimation Department, due to discrimination based on health status. The complaint states that AA is employed as an anesthetist in the Anesthesia and Reanimation Department of the Health Center … After being hospitalized…

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No. 17-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, submitted due to discrimination based on age, against the employer, the Institute of Dentistry BB. In his complaint, he stated that his professional training and advancement were blocked and that the Rulebook on professional development and specialization of health workers and…

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No. 84-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint AA submitted on behalf and with the consent of BB due to discrimination based on disability in the process of verifying the health insurance card at the Fund for social insurance of military persons (FSIMP). Namely, the complaint states that as a precondition…

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