Legislation Initiatives And Opinions

No. 332-24

Proposal for the evaluation of the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Law on the Registration Procedure in the Cadaster   The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, submitted to the Constitutional Court of Serbia a proposal for an assessment of the constitutionality and legality of certain provisions of the Law on the…

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No. 1279-23

An initiative to equalize the children of employees in social protection with the children of employees in state bodies and other public services in terms of providing New Year’s gifts Acting on the complaint of the New Union of Social Protection of Serbia, in which they stated that the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and…

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No. 1035-23

no. 021-01-1100/2023-02 date: August 4, 2023   MINISTRY OF FINANCE Siniša Mali, Minister   11000 Belgrade Kneza Miloša 20     Subject: The VAT exemption initiative to exempt products used for feminine hygiene Dear Mr. Mali, The provisions of Article 23, Paragraph 1, of the Law on Value Added Tax[1], stipulate that the general value-added…

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No. 186-23

no. 021-00-449/1/2023-02 date: 24 April 2023     MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Vesić, Minister 11000 BELGRADE Nemanjina 22-26   Subject: Initiative to develop a long-term systemic plan at the national level for the removal of architectural barriers and the improvement of accessibility in all buildings in public use and public areas Dear…

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No. 186-23

no. 021-01-449/2023-02 date: 3/3/2023.   MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE Minister Goran Vesić   11000 BELGRADE Nemanjina 22-26   Subject: Initiative to amend the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction     Dear Mr. Vesić, The representatives of the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia addressed the…

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No. 02-23

no. 011-00-1/2023-02 date: January 6, 2023     MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORT, AND INFRASTRUCTURE Goran Vesić, Minister   11000 BELGRADE Nemanjina 22-26     Subject: Initiative to amend Article 135, Paragraph 8 of the Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of the RS”, nos. 72/2009, 81/2009 – corrected, 64/2010 – decision of the CC,…

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No. 597-21

no. 011-00-24/2021-02 date: 23.8. 2021     Acting within the legally prescribed competence[1], the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, gives OPINION on the Draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance   The Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government sent a letter number 011-00-146…

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No. 598-21

no. 011-00-25/2021-02 date: August 20, 2021     Acting within the legally prescribed competence[1], the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, gives   OPINION on the Draft Law on the Protector of Citizens   The Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government, by letter number 011-00-166 / 2021-01 dated August 9, 2021, submitted to the…

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No. 117-21

no. 011-00-5/2021-02 date: March 8, 2021   Acting within the legally prescribed competence[1], the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, gives the following OPINION on the Draft Law on Museum Activities   By letter No. 011-00-1/2021-02 of March 2, 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Information submitted to the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality…

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– INITIATIVE for the creation of active employment policy measures aimed exclusively at certain categories of hard-to-employ women, dated 16 July, 2021. – INITIATIVE for amending the Article 179 of the Criminal Code, which prescribes the criminal offense of sexual abuse of persons with disabilities, dated 6 September, 2016. – INITIATIVE for amending the Rulebook…

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