Commissioner’s Opinions and Recomendations in the Complaints Procedure


No. 909-19

OPINION     The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the organization AA, filed on behalf and with the consent of BB, VV, GG, DD, ĐĐ, EE, ŽŽ and ZZ, against BAS – Belgrade bus station a.d. Belgrade, due to discrimination based on nationality. In the complaint, it was stated that…

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No. 297-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA, filed against BB, ŽŽ of the Municipal Committee of the VV party, due to the statement in which he called the members of the Vlach national minority “Indians”. BB completely denied calling the members of the Vlach national minority “Indians”, pointing…

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No. 1105-19

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against BB … and VV. In her complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that on September 12, 2019, in the branch office of BB in … street in …, in the presence of two counter clerks and the “official”…

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No. 814-19

OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of A. A. against employer B. B. In the complaint, among other things, it was stated that A. A. is a person with a disability, works at the job of “passengers and bus traffic controller”. It was further stated that by the decision of the National Employment…

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No. 895-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against BB. In the complaint, it was stated that AA and members of the Bosniak nationality in the Republic of Serbia who stated that they speak Bosnian at the 2011 Census had their rights violated by the act of the Program Council….

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605-19 Opinion with recommendation upon the complaint by S. H. against the insurance company because of discrimination based on age

OPINION The opinion was delivered in the proceedings on the complaint by S. H., filed against the insurance company because of discrimination based on age. The complainant alleged that this insurance company refused to provide her with a travel insurance service because of her age. The statement of the insurance company declares, among other things,…

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No. 158-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against BB. In the complaint, it was stated that on February 14, 2019, during the visit of the President of the Republic to the preschool institution “GG”, where the complainant is employed, as a teacher, several photographs were taken of the entire…

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No. 599-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by A. A, on behalf of her minor son B. B, against PU .., due to discrimination based on health status. In the complaint, it was stated that the child B. B. submitted within the deadline a request for enrollment in PU …,…

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No. 341-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the union of feminist organizations against the Ministry of Culture and Information. In the complaint, it was stated that in the tenders for financing and co-financing of projects in 2019, the Ministry of Culture and Information did not support any of the women’s…

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59-19 Opinion with recommendation upon the complaint by N. М. Đ for discrimination on grounds of health condition

OPINION This opinion was issued in the proceedings upon the complaint filed by N. М. Đ, on behalf and with the consent of her mother V. М. M, against RFZO, for discrimination on grounds of health condition. The complaint stated that V. М. М. has hepatitis C and has not been approved by the RFZO…

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