Commissioner’s Opinions and Recomendations in the Complaints Procedure


No. 265-21

07-00-609 / 2020-02 date: 29.11.2021     OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA against BB. The complaint and supplements to the complaint state, inter alia, that the Government of the Republic of Serbia passed the Decree on establishing the Program of financial support to sports organizations…

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No. 653-21

no. 07-00-00488/2021-02 date: 26.11.2021.   OPINION     The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of AA from BB, against VV, the President of the Municipal Assembly of BB. The complaint states that at the 12th session of the Municipal Assembly of BB, held on September 3, 2021, during the discussion on…

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No. 266-21

07-00-260 / 2021-02 date: 19.11.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of M. K., a lawyer from Niš, submitted on behalf of AA, BB, VV and GG, filed against the Mayor of the City of Niš, President of the City Municipality of Niška Banja, former director of TON…

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No. 574-21

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by the Association … against the City Swimming Pool …, due to discrimination based on gender. Namely, in the complaint, among other things, it was stated that in the year… a text was published on the website… under the title: “In Serbia, there…

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No. 593-21

OPINION The opinion was issued on the occasion of two complaints, submitted by A. A. and V. V., against B.B., due to alleged discrimination of A. A. based on political and religious beliefs and sexual orientation. The complaints state, among other things, that B. B., in a series of her posts on the Internet and…

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No. 522-21

no. 07-00-367 / 2021-02 date: 27.9.2021.     OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA and BB, against Bank VV, due to discrimination against persons who are of Iranian origin and have been granted asylum in the Republic of Serbia. The complaint states that Bank VV refused…

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No. 34-21

07-00-35/2021-02 date: 12. 10. 2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued on the complaint of the association “DD” against A.A., editor of the Serbian page of the … portal, regarding the text published on December 21, 2020 under the title “Law on Same-Sex Partnerships”, subtitled “How ideological colonizers cook a frog in Serbia” on…

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No. 91-21

no. 07-00-99 / 2021-02 date: 27.9.2021.                                                OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by AA from Belgrade against the Elementary School BB, due to discrimination based on marital and family status. The complaint states, among other things, that AA is the father of a minor daughter who…

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No. 288-21

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint submitted by A. A, on behalf of her minor son B. B, against the secondary music school V. V. and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. In the complaint, among other things, it was stated that B. B. has developmental difficulties, that…

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No. 246-21

07-00-00239 / 2021-02 date: 27.9.2021.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of AA, filed against the city of Subotica, due to discrimination against members of the Roma national minority. The complaint states that in Karađorđev put street, near number 1, in Subotica, there is a graffiti “Put gypsies…

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