Other Personal Characteristics

No. 07-00-153/2015-02

No. 07-00-153/2015-02 date: 15 June 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by А. I. from K. against company “L. L. H.” d.o.o. B, due to discrimination on the grounds of the marital status at the time of employment. In the complaint was stated that А. I….

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No. 07-00-552/2014-02, May 29, 2015

No. 07-00-552/2014-02, May 29, 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by J. Ć. from N. S. against the Health Center in N. S. The complaint stated that J. Ć. tried to obtain a medical certificate for retraining or enrolment in a secondary medical school, a nurse-technician…

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