Other Personal Characteristics

Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by M.M. from N. against public utility company “Z.” and its Managing Director A.B. on account of discrimination on the grounds of membership in an association.

No. 07-00-186/2017-02      Date: 12 October 2017   OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by M.M. from N. against public utility company “Z” and its Managing Director A.B. on account of discrimination on the grounds of membership in an association. In her complaint, the complainant stated that…

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Opinion regarding a complaint lodged by UOS against legal person CPM on account of discrimination on the grounds of health status.

No. 07-00-193/2017-02   Date: 14 September 2017       OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by UOS against legal person CPM on account of discrimination on the grounds of health status. In its complaint, the complainant stated that UOS had applied for a permission to organize…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by L.J., a lawyer from V., hired by G.V. and R.T. – legal representatives of L.T. who is a minor, against ’’Ž.Z.’’ primary school in M.

No. 07-00-166/2017-02   Date: 4 September 2017 OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by L.J., a lawyer from V., hired by G.V. and R.T. – legal representatives of L.T. who is a minor, against ’’Ž.Z.’’ primary school in M. In its complaint, the complainant stated that…

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Complaint filed by I.J. against lawyer R.T. because of discrimination on grounds of family status in area of work and employment

Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by I.J. from B. against lawyer R.T. from B. because of discrimination when applying for professional practice and specialization. Complainant stated that, during the phone interview for the professional practice, lawyer R.T. asked her about her family status, where and with whom she was living, whether she…

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Complaint filed by C.K.P.R. against Railways Serbia because of discrimination on grounds of personal property migrant in area of services

No. 07-00-575/2016-02  Date: 27. 3. 2017.   OPINION     Opinion was issued in proceedings upon complaint filed by organization C.K.P.R. against Serbian Railways Company Belgrade. It was determined in course of proceedings that voluntary discrimination investigator G.A., citizen of I., who sought asylum in Republic of Serbia, unsuccessfully tried to buy train ticket at…

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Complaint filed by M.M. against GSP Beograd for discrimination on grounds of marital and family status in area of providing services

No. 07-00-423/2016-02      Date: 11/11/2016 OPINION     The Opinion has been issued in the proceeding acted upon the complaint filed by M. M. from B. against PUC Urban Public Transport Enterprise “Beograd” (GSP Beograd) for discrimination based on marital and family status. The complainant stated that, on 5 August 2016, in Belgrade, she got on…

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Complaint filed by S. Č. against the Clinic for Physical Therapy S. for discrimination on grounds of health condition in area of providing of health services

No. 07-00-218/2016-02 Date: 7/7/2016 OPINION   The Opinion has been issued in the proceeding acting upon the complaint filed by Charity Foundation S. Č. from B., against the Clinic for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation “S. M. A.” from B. During the proceeding, it was determined that the volunteer discrimination examiner called the Clinic for Physical…

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Complaint of R.I.C. against daily newspaper S. for hate speech in area of public information

No. 07-00-270/2016-02   Date: 1 September 2016                                                                       OPINION The opinion was issued in proceeding acting upon the complaint of organization R.I.C. from B.  because of columns signed by  B.DJ. “Honey, do not be a fag” and “Honey, do not be a fag 2 ‘, that daily newspapers ” S.” published on 21 and 28…

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Complaint filed by Foundation S. against General Hospital E. for discrimination on grounds of health condition in area of providing services

No. 07-00-217/2016-02    Date: August 10, 2016   OPINION This opinion has been issued in the proceeding acting upon a complaint filed by the Charitable Foundation S, against General Hospital E. from B. In the course of the procedure, it has been found out that on March 14, 2016, a voluntary discrimination investigator called up a…

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Complaint filed by I.S. against MUP RS for discrimination on grounds of residence in area of work and employment

No. 07-00-52/2016-02  date:  14 April 2016.   OPINION The opinion was given in the proceedings acting upon the complaint filed by I.S. against Ministry of the Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (MUP RS) because of conditions for the competition for enrollment at vocational training in the Center for Basic Police Training of the…

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