Other Personal Characteristics

No. 1065-23

no. 07-00-419/2023-02 date: 20.3.2024.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of AA against the employer, hospital BB (from now on: the employer), VV, acting director of the employer, and GG, the then deputy director at the employer, which she submitted considering that the actions of the employer and responsible…

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No. 1044-23

no. 07-00-401/2023-02 date: 29.12.2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by BB against AA. In the complaint and the supplements to the complaint, it was stated that the complainant withdraws her pension and pays bills in the “Post Office” branch no. … since its opening in the…

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No. 1040-23

no. 07-00-398/2023-02 date: 28.12.2023.                                          OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint filed by several associations dealing with the protection of human rights (from now on: the complainants) against a social protection institution that provides temporary accommodation services for adults (from now on: the Institution), due to discrimination based on the…

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No. 1039-23

no. 07-00-397/2023-02 date: November 10, 2023.   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the lawyer …, on behalf and with the consent of AA and BB, against PPI (Public Preschool Institution) … due to discrimination against the minor V.V. based on health condition and disability. The complaint stated,…

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No. 987-23

no. 07-00-347/2023-02 date: September 20, 2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding A. A.’s complaint against the Preschool Institution due to discrimination on the basis of marital status. The complaint stated that A. A. was divorced and that after the divorce the exercise of parental rights over the joint children was…

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No. 1124-22

no. 07-00-2/2023-02 date: 25.7.2023.   OPINION          The opinion was issued in the procedure concerning the complaint of AA against the BB Elementary School (from now on: the School), who believes that the School discriminated against him based on his marital and family status. The complaint stated, among other things, that the complainant is a divorced…

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No. 1115-23

no. 07-00-00724/2022-02 date: 4.7.2023.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against BB, the owner of the bakery, trade, and catering shop VV, due to discrimination based on health and disability. In the complaint, it was stated that the complainant was employed for an indefinite period by…

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No. 537-22

no. 07-00-373 /2022-02 date: 5/12/2022   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaints submitted by A.A. – parents of J. and S. M. and B.B. – parents of N.M., and the complaint of the Association C.C., in the name and with the consent of the children’s legal representatives, filed against PU…

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No. 438-22

No. 07-00-273/2022-02 date: 26. 9. 2022.   OPINION The opinion was issued regarding the complaint of A. A. from Belgrade against Dr. B. B, a specialist in otorhinolaryngology, due to discrimination based on health status. The complaint stated that A. A. submitted a complaint against Dr. B. B to the protector of patients’ rights. It…

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No. 136-22

OPINION The opinion was adopted in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by the AA against the Center for Social Work of the City of Novi Sad due to discrimination based on language. In the complaint, it was stated that AA is a citizen of the United States of America, with a temporary residence in…

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