National Affiliation

Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by the Roma National Minority National Council on behalf of Z.S. against City Social Welfare Center, Novi Beograd Branch Office.

No. 07-00-165/2017-02   Date: 24 August 2017   OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged by the Roma National Minority National Council on behalf of Z.S. against City Social Welfare Center, Novi Beograd Branch Office, on account of issuing a Temporary Conclusion on securing accommodation for underage B.S. In their complaint,…

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Complaint filed by S.S. from N. against N.S. from N. on account of discrimination on the grounds of national affiliation

No. 07-00-89/2017-02  Date: 7 July 2017 OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged by S.S. from N. against N.S. from N. In her complaint the complainant stated that on 7 December 2016 at the premises of the employer, Gerontology Center in N., N.S. said to the complainant: “Go back to…

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Complaint filed by D.M., a Republic of Croatia national, residing in P., against Telekom Srbija a.d. Beograd alleging discrimination on the grounds of national affililation

No. 07-00-631/2016-02  Date: 26 June 2017 OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged by D.M., a Republic of Croatia national, residing in P., against Telekom Srbija a.d. Beograd. In her complaint the complainant claimed that she was denied access to a Telekom Srbija branch office, reasoning being that according to…

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Complaint filed by R.C.Ž.B. against daily newspaper K. for discrimination on grounds of nationality in area of public information

No. 07-00-337/2016-02   Date: 19/10/2016   OPINION   The Opinion has been issued in the proceeding acting upon the complaint filed by R. Ž. C. B. from B. against the daily newspaper K., regarding discrimination on grounds of nationality and  health condition in a text published on 17 June 2016 in the electronic edition of this…

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Complaint filed by organization R.C.M. against PUC City Sanitation for discrimination on grounds of nationality and religious belief in area of work and employment

No.07-00-207/2016-02   Date: July 25, 2016 OPINION   The opinion has been issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of RCM, filed in  the name and with the consent of B.M. from B. against PUC „City Sanitation“ headquartered in Belgrade, because of discrimination on grounds of nationality and religious beliefs. The complaint states that B.M has…

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Complaint filed by organization N.P. against G.J. for discrimination of migrants

No. 07-00-698/2015-02 Date: 24 May 2016     Opinion The opinion was made during the proceeding acting upon complaint filed by organization “N.P.” from L, against S.N. party, i.e. Vice President of the City Council of this party in L, Mrs G.J. because of the statements given by Mrs J. on the press conference regarding…

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Complaint filed by R.R. against P.TV for discrimination on grounds of nationality in area of information

This opinion was issued in the procedure acting upon the complaint filed by the Education and Culture Institution R.R. against T.B., the author of “Ž.P.” TV show on account of alleged discrimination on the ground of national affiliation. The complainant states that the author of “Ž.P.” television show, T.V. during “A.P:” program, in stating the…

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No. 07-00-702/2015-02

No. 07-00-702/2015-02  Date: 15 January, 2016 OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from N.S.R.N.M. against P. TV channel on the issue of “V” show broadcast on P. TV channel on20 November, 2015, as well as “Č” show broadcast on 23 November, 2015. The complaint states that the show host I.I., during…

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No.07-00-361/2015-02  Date: 7 September 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by organisations LCFHRY and DCFY against a weekly paper “H.N.” of S. in connection with the article entitled “Egg throwing: frenzy of the Roma – throwing eggs at senior citizens”, published on 10 June 2015. The…

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No.07-00-197/2015-02  Date: 13 August 2015   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by S.S. and K.R. of B. against the MoI’s Border Police Directorate on account of discriminatory treatment by a public official when crossing the border at the Nikola Tesla Airport. The complainants claimed that they were…

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