National Affiliation

No. 158-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of AA against BB. In the complaint, it was stated that on February 14, 2019, during the visit of the President of the Republic to the preschool institution “GG”, where the complainant is employed, as a teacher, several photographs were taken of the entire…

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1001-18 Opinion with recommendation upon the complaint by a civil society organization against Center for social work because of discrimination on grounds of nationality

OPINION Opinion was issued in the proceeding upon complaint filed by civil society organization against Center for social work in P. because of discrimination against group of persons of Roma nationality who are internally displaced persons. It was stated in the complaint that the Center for social work in P. refused to accept a welfare…

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No. 766-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of A. M. from N. against G. L. entrepreneur of a hairdressing and beauty salon D. N. The complaint stated that A. M. was in the salon with M. M. when the latter was kicked out of the salon with the words “Get…

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 This opinion was prepared in the complaint procedure initiated by the organization P against the elementary school “B. R.” in B, the Municipal Administration of Bujanovac Municipality, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the School Administration Vranje. The complaint stated that in the primary school “B. R.” in B, in the school…

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682.18 MP U.A.I.z.ei.s.p. against D.Z. Z. for discrimination based on nationality in the field of public information

The Opinion was brought in the process with regard to the complaint of the Association „А.а.I.z. e. and s.p.“ filed against D. z. „Z.“ in relation to the article published on official internet page of this institution, which among other things said: “As the aggravating circumstance we can say that the work is being carried…

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No. 07-00-00028/2018-02

No. 07-00-00028/2018-02 Dated: 25 May 2018     OPINION   This Opinion was issued in a procedure following a complaint filed by G.N. from P. agianst School for Primary and Secondary Education “М.“ from P, on behalf of and with the consent of Z.D, legal representative of student M.D. The complaint stated that, on 10…

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No. 07-00-563/2017-02 Date: 8 June 2018

OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by V.R.C.D. on behalf of the minor boy D.G. against the Novi Sad Police Directorate, Detelinara Police Substation. The complaint stated that on 9 February 2017, during an intervention at the Primary School “D.O.” in N.S., the police officer N.N. slapped the minor…

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No. 07-00-115/2018-02

No. 07-00-115/2018-02  Date: 5 June, 2018   OPINION   The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint filed by M.S. from M. against the elementary school “D.B.V.” in M. The complaint states that her son A. S. from the first day when he went to school “was called a Gypsy by Serbian children”, beat…

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Сomplaint by Z.D. from B. against O. hospital Š. on account of discrimination on the grounds of national affiliation

No. 07-00-263/2017- 02        Date: 17 October  2017 OPINION The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure lodged upon a complaint filed by Z.D. from B. against O. hospital Š. on account of discrimination on the grounds of national affiliation. In his complaint the complainant stated that despite the fact that he had applied on…

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Opinion regarding the complaint lodged by a non-governmental organization P.B., against “Srbija voz” shareholders company Beograd.

No. 07-00-211/2017-02  Date: 7 September 2017     OPINION   The present opinion was issued following a complaint procedure initiated upon a complaint lodged by a non-governmental organization P.B., against “Srbija voz” shareholders company Beograd. In its complaint, the complainant stated that a ticket inspector at the Main Railway Station in Belgrade had refused to…

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