
No. 630-20

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed against EE by attorneys AA, BB, VV, and GG, on behalf and with the consent of DD. In the complaint, it was stated, among other things, that on the social network … EE made numerous sexist and offensive comments with which he…

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No. 1174-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by AA against Dr. BB due to discrimination based on gender. The complainant stated, among other things, that on one occasion, when she was substituting for his secretary and when he hosted eight friends in his office, he told her to look at…

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No. 1302-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings concerning the complaint of A.A., against B.B., due to discrimination on the basis of gender. In the complaint, it was stated that this company published a job advertisement with the following content: “Girl needed to work in a boutique”. In the statement to the complaint, it was…

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No. 1250-19

No. 07-00-692/2019-02  date:  24. 2. 2020.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of A. A. against the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The complaint states that the Geography textbook for the 6th grade of primary school, published by B. B, contains the following sentence: “In developed countries,…

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No. 1255-19

No. 07-00-697/2019-02 date: 24. 2. 2020.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint of A. A. against the Publishing House B. B. due to the discriminatory text in the textbook “Geography for the sixth grade of primary school” of this publisher. The complaint asserts that the geography textbook for sixth…

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No. 928-19

No. 07-00-468/2019-02  date:  4. 2. 2020.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint submitted by the president of the Association of Citizens “AA”, against the company “BB”. The complaint states, among other things, that the Association of Citizens “AA” organized the sixth festival of women’s friendship, and that on that…

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No. 341-19

OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of the union of feminist organizations against the Ministry of Culture and Information. In the complaint, it was stated that in the tenders for financing and co-financing of projects in 2019, the Ministry of Culture and Information did not support any of the women’s…

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347-19 Opinion with recommendation upon the complaint by A. Ć. from B. against Association “C. s. ž” B, on grounds of discrimination based on gender

OPINION This opinion was issued in the proceedings upon the complaint filed by A. Ć. from B. against Association “C. s. ž” B, on grounds of discrimination based on gender. The complaint stated that an advertisement of the Association “C. s. ž” B was published on the Internet portal With the following content: “a…

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No. 1290-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of D.S.I., filed against “P b 1” in F. In the complaint, the applicant stated, among other things, that the bakery window was plastered with an image of an insert from a film, with accompanying text, which is derisive and sneering, and insults…

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No. 689-18

OPINION   The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint filed by M.J. against HC.”B” and G.M., the director of HC.”B.”. The complaint stated that M. J. was employed in DZ “B” for a fixed-term period from July 2014 to December 20, 2017, as a substitute for female colleagues until they returned to…

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