
No.07-00-240/15-02  Date: 18 August 2015



The opinion was issued in the procedure regarding the complaint lodged by the CFHRN on behalf and with the consent of S.V. against the P.E. “Post of Serbia”, Negotin Post Office, for discrimination on the grounds of disability. The complaint stated that S.V, who is a wheelchair user, went to the Negotin Post Office to take over the set-top box. The Negotin Post Office is not accessible for people with disabilities, and the employee refused to leave the building after S.V. had asked passers-by to call her. It was stated that the next time the Postmaster A.M. came out in front of the building in order to talk to S.V, but he acted haughtily and arrogantly. The declaration stated that it is true that the conversation took place in the street, because S.V. is a wheelchair user, and that he did not behave arrogantly, but tried to explain very carefully the procedure related to the set-top box, and she would not listen. In the course of the procedure it was established the Negotin Post Office is inaccessible for people with disabilities, especially those who use wheelchairs or have mobility impairments, given the fact that is necessary to overcome several steps in order to reach the entrance of the post office building from the pedestrian zone. The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued the opinion that the P.E. “Post of Serbia”, Negotin Post Office, failed to ensure accessible entrance to the building, thus committing an act of discrimination against people with disabilities. The Public Enterprise “Post of Serbia”, Negotin Post Office, was recommended to take all necessary measures in order to ensure accessible entrance to the post office building.



Brankica Janković
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