
Meeting of the Commissioner and the Ambassador of Greece

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with the Ambassador of Greece, Maria Levanti, with whom she discussed the importance of respect for human rights and protection mechanisms against discrimination. Janković also presented to Ambassador Levanta the most important activities undertaken by the institution in the field of protection and promotion of equality…

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Commissioner on women’s entrepreneurship at the meeting “Overview of the Current Situation and Opportunities for Empowerment”

It is important to hear the experiences of women entrepreneurs because they are role models for girls who will one day find themselves at a crossroads when choosing a job. Being an entrepreneur is hard, and being a female entrepreneur is even harder. That’s why the experiences of female entrepreneurs are important so that we…

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Commissioner at the opening of the Second Regional Judicial Forum “Gender Equality and the Western Balkans”

The number of women killed and reports of gender-based violence in the entire region is worrying. I believe that the experience and knowledge of professionals from the region and judges of the European Court of Human Rights will contribute to more effective prevention and improvement of protection against all forms of gender-based violence, including femicide,…

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Strengthening the capacity of employees at the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality

To strengthen the capacity and personal development of employees at the Institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality for responding to potential discrimination cases and preparing for the effective implementation of the EU Regulation on artificial intelligence, training was held on the technical aspects of artificial intelligence functioning. Also, bearing in mind the…

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Training for peer educators – protection against discrimination and different forms of violence

Organized by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the UN Population Fund in Serbia, a two-day training session was held for peer educators on the topic of protection against discrimination and various forms of violence. During this training, young people had the opportunity to learn about the role of peer educators and the…

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Discussion on the topic of establishing regional cooperation on safe house mechanisms

It is very important and necessary to continuously work on the establishment of safe house mechanisms throughout the region, and that is why discussions like this one, which is being conducted by NGO Atina within the project “Improving the safety of women and girls by increasing the performance of safe houses for victims of gender-based…

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Representatives of the Commissioner handed over publications on combating discrimination against LGBTI persons in the labor market to the EU Info Center and the Pride Info Center

On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, representatives of the Commissioner, the project team, and the British Embassy visited the EU Info Center and the Pride Info Center and handed over publications dedicated to combating discrimination against LGBTI persons in the labor market. Guide for the implementation of domestic anti-discrimination regulations…

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Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner in the international conference entitled “Equality data as a tool to combat discrimination” in Stockholm

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, and Assistant Commissioner Mirjana Kecman, participated in the international conference entitled “Equality data as a tool to combat discrimination”, held in Stockholm, organized by the Swedish Equality Ombudsman. During three sessions, representatives of national bodies for equality, civil society organizations, the academic community, and state policymakers discussed…

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Commissioner at the “Remembering Hilda Dajč” awards

The “Remembering Hilda Dajč” awards, organized by the Association “Remembering Hilda Dajč”, were awarded in the University Library “Svetozar Marković” in Belgrade, for the second time. The ceremony was attended by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, who participated in the jury. The youth award “Remembering Hilda Dajč”, for demonstrated civic responsibility…

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Winners of the Commissioner’s Annual Media Award at the International Media Festival

Winners of the Annual Media Award, which the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality has been awarding for seven years with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, as last year’s first prize winners, attended the International Journalism festival in the Italian city of Perugia. This gave them a special opportunity to attend, within…

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