
Commissioner at the OSCE conference on digital surveillance and human rights

Commissioner Brankica Janković participated in the conference “Under the watchful eye: Human rights, gender and surveillance” in Vienna, which was jointly organized by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ODIHR and Representative on Freedom of the Media RfoM, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day. The…

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Commissioner at the FRA Fundamental Rights Forum

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, attended the Forum on Fundamental Rights organized by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights FRA in Vienna. The key is to ensure the greater trust of European citizens, especially young people, in institutions, democracy, and the importance of preserving human rights, primarily through the formation and…

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Working breakfast on the occasion of International Women’s Day

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the first working breakfast of the “Group of Friends of Gender Equality” was held at the French Embassy, ​​hosted by the Ambassador of the Republic of France, Pierre Cochard, and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković. The idea for the creation of this informal group…

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The exhibition “Rights of Women in the Cultural Heritage of Serbia”

The exhibition “Rights of Women in the Cultural Heritage of Serbia” was opened in the “Svetozar Marković” University Library in the presence of the Ambassador of Great Britain, Edward Ferguson, and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković. At the exhibition, a part of about 200 digitally represented works posted on the portal…

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Panel “Gender equality – from priority to identity crisis” held

The position of women in terms of realized human rights is different than it used to be, but the real influence of women is much smaller than it seems from their visible representation in all decision-making places, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the event called” Gender equality – from priority…

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The Commissioner led a panel on gender equality at the Kopaonik Business Forum

Equality between women and men in the business sphere cannot be achieved if it does not exist in other areas of life as well, and the burden of this process must not lie on women only, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, as the keynote speaker at the panel “Gender equality as…

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Marking of the International Day of Rare Diseases

The International Day of Rare Diseases was marked also at a round table entitled “I often think of you”, organized by the National Organization for Rare Diseases, NORBS, and attended by the Assistant Commissioner, Mirjana Kecman. At the gathering, it was noted that in the last ten years, significant progress has been made in the…

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Representative of the Commissioner with civil society on the position of LGBT persons

Head of the Department for Cooperation and European Integration, Jelena Kotević, participated in a meeting organized by Belgrade Pride dedicated to strategic planning to improve the position of members of the LGBT population. On that occasion, Kotević presented some of the research results on the attitudes of citizens and representatives of public authorities towards discrimination…

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Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in Bujanovac

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, had a constructive meeting in Bujanovac with representatives of the National Council of Albanian National Minorities. Council president Nevzad Lutfiu, secretary Driton Bilali, and associate Lemane Mustafa participated in the conversation. This was one of the opportunities to discuss problems and potential cases of discrimination against our…

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Commissioner at the Festival of Law and Social Protection in Leskovac

For us, the media is a very important partner in the business of building a society tailored to the citizens, in which everyone has equal chances, especially today, when many values ​​that were established recently have been called into question, and citizens everywhere in the world are exposed to sensationalism, fake news and hate speech,…

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